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《 英语 》课程标准 课程编码: 课程类别:公共基础课、必修课 先修课程名称 为本课程提供的主要能力 1 初、高中英语 基础英语语法知识和英语技能 序号 后续课程名称 需要本课程提供的主要能力 1 职业/行业英语 基础词汇、语法知识,一定的阅读、写作及翻译能力。 1.2课程设计理念 根据200年制订的《》, 2 2 Unit 1 Organization Warming-up: logos Reading A Google Be able to identify the logos of some famous international companies. Be able to name some famous organizations of the given products. Be able to understand the text and finish relevant exercises. Be able to apply the business communication strategy: How to introduce a company To master the relevant words : relevant, popularity, advertising, fuel, investor, acquire, excel, inspiration,; To master the relevant expressions: go public, in addition to, tend to, stay away from, in terms of, serve as ; 4 Reviewing, Listening Speaking: Meeting People Be able to review Reading A to understand it better; Be able to do general introduction, name introduction, hometown, hobbies, activities, companies and job titles, etc. Be able to apply the language : Listening and speaking about meeting people To master the skills of pronunciation: sentence stress; To master the useful expressions about Greeting, making introduction, asking questions and ending. 4 Reading B Writing,: Envelope Mini-project Language Lab Be able to preview the reading material to understand it better; Be able to use an English dictionary to learn more about English words; Be able to write an envelope Be able to design the “about-us” page for the company’s website you have set up. Grammar: Know about basic sentence patterns To master the relevant words expressions highlighted in Reading B To learn and practice the writing strategy: How to write an envelope. To learn and practice the writing strategy: A Brief Introduction about your company 2 3 Unit 2 Office Warming-up: Schedules Reading A Secretaries Be able to read and try to write a schedule for a certain day Be able to know our duties and skills of a secretary. Be able to understand the text and



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