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2016-2017学年高三英语二模翻译汇编One【青浦区】I. Translation.Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.演讲前,花点时间看一下提纲,你会更自信。(spend)73.两年后这个主题公园将对公众开放,但是它是否会盈利尚未确定。(remain)74.诗歌大赛吸引了大批观众,他们从中领略到了汉语的魅力。(which)75.不管那个推销员如何极力鼓动,我还是能保持冷静没有买那套位于城东的房子。(Nomatter)keys:72.Before making a speech, spend some time taking a look at the outline so that you will be more confident.73.This theme park will be open to the public in two years, but whether it will make profits remains to be seen.74.Poetry contest attracted a large audience, from which they had a taste of the charm of Chinese.75.No matter how hard the salesman urged me, I still kept cool and didn’t buy the flat located east of the city.Two【杨浦区】I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 新颁布的禁烟令得到了广大市民的支持。(ban)73. 出乎我的意料:年轻人对中国古诗词显示出了极大的热情。(passion)74. 共享单车不仅解决了最后一里路的问题,而且还有助于改善空气质量。(Not only)75. 一考定终身的日子已经一去不复返了,但不可否认的是考试越多,学生压力越大。(denying)keys:72. The newly-issued/released ban on smoking has been supported by most citizens73. Beyond my expectation, young people showed tremendous passion for ancient Chinese poetry.74. Not only do shared bicycles solve the last-mile problem but also they help improve air quality75. Gone are the days when one examination could determine students’ fate, but there is no denying that the more examinations they have, the more stressful they will feel/ the greater pressure they will haveThree【宝山区】I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.她在舞台上的表现让她成了“网红”。(become)73.李教授写的这本书是面向学术读者的。(intend)74.当球迷们向篮球队员献花时,队员们激动得热泪盈眶。(So)75.一项新的研究发现,那些拥有年轻心态的人比自我感觉年龄大的人更加长寿。(those who )keys:72.She has become famous online because of her performance on the stage.73.The book (written) by Professor Li is intended for academic audience/readers.74.So excited were the basketball players when their fans presented flowers to them that the
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