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?摘 要 随着煤矿工业的发展,安全生产已经成为其中重要的部分。为确保煤矿的安全生产,对煤矿的安全设计十分重要。根据平岗煤矿的实际情况,结合目前安全生产技术,对平岗煤矿进行了安全设计。设计针对煤矿常见的安全问题,如水、火、煤尘、瓦斯、顶板等灾害,分析灾害发生的原因,设计具体的灾害预防措施及安全保障措施,以达到防止事故发生或减少事故发生概率,降低事故造成伤害的目的。根据平岗煤矿开拓方式和地质构造,选择了合理的通风系统,对采掘工作面及硐室通风,井下通风设施和构筑物等进行设计,选择了安全逃生路线,分析了矿井通风系统的合理性和可靠性。针对六矿的粉尘灾害,从防尘措施、防爆措施和隔爆措施三个方面进行了安全设计。对于瓦斯灾害防治,设计采取了以瓦斯抽放为主及一些防爆、隔爆安全措施。在火灾防治方面,分别设计了煤自然火灾防治措施及外因火灾防治措施。通过对六矿水文地质资料的分析,设计了相应的水灾防治安全措施。同时建立一套完善的安全监测与监控体系,对各种灾害形式进行严密的监控,在灾害发生前将事故处理,确保生产能够安全高效的进行,同时达到无安全事故、无人员伤亡的理想状态。同时还设计了顶板灾害、运输系统灾害、电气事故灾害的安全措施。关键词: 安全条件 粉尘防治 瓦斯防灭火 安全监测Abstract The design of mine for Hegang Junde Coal Mining Group 1,500,000 tons / year of new mine design, a total of 4 coal seam layer 17 #, 21 #. Industrial grade coal is 1 / 3 coking coal, the design of mine recoverable reserves of 20700Mt, length of service for the 61a double shaft design combined to open up the way, divided into two levels, six mining area. Mining area at the middle of a mining area and the second mining area, the layout of a face, a joint arrangement, 17 #, 21 # layers separate mining. Mining methods to falling down a long wall coal mining law, mining technology for integrated mechanized top coal caving technology approach for the entire roof falling Act.Mine ventilation for partition type, the method of taking the type of ventilation, ventilation systems for the mining area and transport up the mountain track up the mountain into the wind, to wind up the mountain back to the wind, coal face using U-type upstream ventilation, the use of heading face pressure-in ventilation, mine design to be easy to time the wind was 139 m3 / s, designed to be a difficult time for the air flow 146m3 / s. Elected to the main mine fan model BD NO-22, the motor model YB35M2-8, and the structure of the mine ventilation required to set up their equipment.Key words :ventilation design mine ventilation system ventilation resistance目录摘要目录第一章 通风与安全1.矿井瓦斯情况1.1选择原理1.2通风方式和通风系统1.3矿井通风示意图2.风量计算及风量分配2.1确定总风量2.2风量分配3.矿井通风阻力计算3.1计算原则3.2计算方法4.扇风机选型4.1选


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