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第一章 What three knowledge areas comprise the triple constraint of project management? 项目管理知识领域的三项约束是什么? ANSWER: scope, time, and cost 答案:范围、时间、成本 Name two tools and techniques that are unique to project management. ANSWER: Any of the following: project charter, WBS, Gantt chart, network diagram, critical path analysis, project cost estimates, earned value chart Modern project management began with what project? ANSWER: The Manhattan Project What is the designation for people certified as project managers by the Project Management Institute? 通过项目管理协会的项目经理认证是什么? ANSWER: PMP for Project Management Professional 答案:项目管理师 第二章 What are the phases of the project life cycle? 项目生命周期分别为? ANSWER: concept, development, implementation, and close-out 概念阶段、开发阶段、实施阶段、收尾阶段 What are the project management process groups? 项目管理有哪些过程组? ANSWER: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing 答案:启动、计划、执行、监控、收尾 What type of organizational structure gives the least amount of authority to project managers? 哪种组织结构 给项目经理最小的权限? ANSWER: functional 答案:职能型 Name two significant characteristics of effective project managers? ANSWER: Any of the following: lead by example, are visionaries, are technically competent, are decisive, are good communicators, are good motivators, stand up to upper management when necessary, support team members, and encourage new ideas 第三章 What are the three main processes of integration management? 项目综合管理主要的三个过程? ANSWER: project plan development, project plan execution, and integrated change control 答案:项目管理开发计划、项目执行、实施综合变更控制 What is the main purpose of a project plan? 项目管理计划的目的? ANSWER: to facilitate action or guide project execution 答案:帮助指导项目的执行和控制 What project management tool can you use to help manage relationships with different people involved in your project? 哪些工具能够帮你分配不同的人参与你的项目? ANSWER: a stakeholder analysis 答案:干系人分析 第四章 What is the main reason why firms invest in information technology projects? 公司投入信息技术工程的目的是什么? ANSWER: to sup


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