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冀教八年级?Lesson?19?练习 作者:胡力 来源:本站原创 更新时间:2005-12-15 点击数:597[课前预习·快乐体验] Business before pleasure.先务正业,后娱乐。 一、你能根据课本P24的课文内容回答下列问题吗? ??? 1.Who does Jenny want to buy a present for? ????? _________________________________________ ??? 2.What is Jenny looking for? ??? ________________________________________ ? 3.What’s Li Ming’s favourite colour? ??? ________________________________________ ? 4.What size is Li Ming? ??? ________________________________________ ? 5.Jenny will buy a yellow jacket, won’t she? ??? ________________________________________ 二、英汉互译。 ?? 1.寻找_______??? 2.住在中国________ ?? 3.试穿_______??? 4.吹灭____________ ?? 5.Happy birthday to you!___________ ?? 6.invite sb. to..._________________ ?? 7.和……一样_______________________ ?? 8.a clothing store_________________ ?三、你能写出与“生日”有关的短语吗?(至少5个) ??? __________________________ ??? __________________________ ??? __________________________ ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [课堂练习·高效提升] You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.粗瓷碗雕不出细花来。 四、考考你的记忆力,根据句意及首字母补全在本课中出现的单词。 ???? 1.Jenny wants to buy a p______ for Li Ming’s birthday. ???? 2.Please t_____ this Jacket on. ???? 3.I don’t like the colour, but I like the s______. ???? 4.Do t______ (青少年)have birthday parties? ???? 5.Young people love birthday cake and c_______. ?五、慧眼识珠,单项填空。 ???? 1.-Happy birthday to you. ?????? -______. ?????? A. The same to you ?????? B. Many thanks ?????? C. Me, too ?????? D. Happy birthday to you, too ????? 2.-Which of the two bags is more popular(更流行)? ??????? -This one is more popular than______. ??????? A. another???????? B. the other ??????? C. others????????? D. other ????? 3.There was little water in the cup,_____? ??????? A. wasn’t it?????? B. was it ??????? C. wasn’t there??? D. was there ????? 4.-Jack isn’t at school today. He is a bit ill. ??????? -_______ ??????? A. Are you sure??????? B. I’m sorry to hear that. ??????? C. Is he?????????????? D. It doesn’t matter. ????? 5.-What do you want to be wh


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