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本科毕业设计报告书 波普艺术在现代首饰设计中的运用 学生姓名 所在专业 艺术设计(首饰设计方向) 所在班级 申请学位 指导教师 副指导教师 答辩时间 摘 要 无论时代如何发展,人类对“美”的需求始终是不断往前的。首饰作为一种特殊的物质载体,在一定程度上满足了人们对生活和物质的精神需求。在首饰设计中,设计师始终本着一个“美”的原则,按照材料自身的特殊性进行构思和创意设计。如今的首饰体现的是多元化的趋势,多种材料的组合,多种色彩的搭配让人耳目一新。多种多样的新首饰在世界各地都有着巨大的消费市场。 本文简要分析十九世纪末二十世纪初波普艺术的理念,即通过不同的形式、不同的造型、色彩、概念反映出对传统、正统文化的叛逆与创新。首饰艺术吸取波普艺术所带来的一系列灵感,从而创造出更具有革命性的设计。在本文中,尝试在首饰设计作品中使用波普艺术的表现手法,运用波普艺术带来的创作灵感,创作出一系列时尚饰品,其中强调了设计的时尚性、独特性和趣味性,摆脱形式单调和色彩单一的模式,探索首饰设计更丰富多彩的发展方向。 关键词:首饰 波普艺术 时尚 艺术 The application of pop art in modern jewelry design Abstract No matter how the times of development, the human need for beauty is always constantly forward for. Jewelry as a special carrier, to a certain extent to meet the peoples spiritual and material needs of life. In jewelry design, designers have always adhered to a beauty” principle, according to the special nature of the material itself and carry out creative ideas and creative design. Todays jewelry reflects a trend of diversification, the combination of multi- clock materials, a variety of color combinations refreshing. Began a new trend was born. And jewelry to beautify itself as a mass, the pursuit of material form. Has a huge consumer market. The paper gives a brief analysis of the end of the 19th century the early twentieth century the concept of pop art, through different forms, different modeling, co lour, concept reflects the rebellious to the traditional, orthodox culture and innovation. Jewelry art from pop art brought about by a series of inspiration, thus creating more revolutionary design. In this article, try to use in jewelry design pop art technique of expression, use of pop art brings inspiration, created a series of fashion accessories, which emphasizes the design of fashion, unique and interesting, get rid of the form of monotonous and the color of a single pattern, explore the jewelry design more rich and colorful development direction. Keywords: jewelry Pop Art Fashion Art 目 录 前 言 1 一、课题分析 2 (一)设计背


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