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如何写好一篇中考英语作文? 中考真题 三年的初中生活马上就要结束了,请写一篇短文,介绍一下你的校园生活。题目自拟。 要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整; 2.文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名; 3.词数:80词左右。 Step One 审 题 1. 确定内容 --具体并有内容可写 What do you think of your school life? My school life is _________________. 审 题: 2. 确定人称 --参考写作内容 My best friend 第二人称:He/ She 审 题: 3. 确定时态 My best friend 一般现在时态; 一般过去时态。 Step Two 细化要点 --具体从那几个方面来写 My best friend 1.外表(appearance) 2.性格(personality) 3.爱好(hobbies) Step Three 扩充要点 Try to enrich(丰富) your sentence. pop music movies books sports ... Step Four: Make an outline(提纲) Step Five 根据提纲,写出文章,注意使用好词好句和连接词。 初三英语写作专题复习课 busy/interesting/wonderful/colorful/fantastic… boring/terrible/so-so… What things can we talk about ? activities subjects classmates teachers exams friends school trips hobbies How to enrich(丰富) your sentences? likes playing sports healthy healthy 1.My friend Li Hua is a boy. He is a ____________ boy. He is a __________ boy who___________________. do sports make friends go to parties … strong tall outgoing energetic friendly … 2. He likes music. He likes______________ that_______________. dance music can make him excited happy relaxed knowledgeable healthy ... 目的 原因 3.She always______________________ to ____________ because___________________. relax listens to some music music is fantastic relaxing interesting exciting fascinating … do sports read books dance go to parties … learn something keep healthy have fun make friends … He is going to have a trip to Cuihua Mountain with his friend. He will do some studies to improve his math because He is a little weak in it. It is necessary for him to do some housework, such as cooking breakfast and cleaning rooms. How glad he is! He can do many things of his own. He is going to have a trip to Cuihua Mountain with his friend. He will also do some studies to improve his math because he is a little weak in it. Of course it i


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