机床滚动导轨的装配工艺[](Assembly process of rolling guide for machine tools []).docVIP

机床滚动导轨的装配工艺[](Assembly process of rolling guide for machine tools []).doc

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机床滚动导轨的装配工艺[](Assembly process of rolling guide for machine tools []).doc

机床滚动导轨的装配工艺[1](Assembly process of rolling guide for machine tools [1]) Reach rail Screw the assembly screws with a certain torque such Reach rail Screw the assembly screws with a certain torque such division ) & & & (')% Assembly process of machine tool rolling guide Jiang Jianfa! The rolling stock is used on precision machine tools, and its assembly quality is good for the whole machine The formation of degrees is critical. Generally according to the vibration of the guide rail slider The assembly method is determined by the degree of motion and impact, and the required kinematic accuracy And the accuracy of the assembled surface. I plant in conjunction with Nanjing four open Electronics Co., Ltd. production ! "during the #$%& CNC milling machine, met the assembly process of the rolling guide Some problems, through practice, to solve and master a number of rolling rail assembly Methods are described below. Requirements of rigidity, high precision, and vibration shock Assembly of rolling guides for machine tools (see chart) ") chart Installation of rolling guide rail of machine tool under vibration and impact Assembly guide First remove the burr, dirt, etc. on the assembly surface of the machine tool bed. notes Directions: rust proof oil is applied on the rolling guide, and rust remover is used before assembly Wipe the base surface clean. The base level is easy to produce because of the rust removing oil Rust, therefore, can be used low viscosity spindle oil and so on, and then use. ) place the guide rail gently against the lathe bed and fit it with the assembly screws Assembly surface contact. Caution: clean the assembly screws first In addition, make sure that the screw hole fits well when the hole doesn't fit Screwing the screws will reduce the accuracy. %) screw the horizontal retaining screws of the guide rails in sequence, Close to the lateral position and shoulder. * using a constant torque wrench, Tight. Caution: screws shall be tightened in order from the



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