五年级英语上册第四单元Jenny and Danny Come to China Lesson-21课件_冀教版.ppt

五年级英语上册第四单元Jenny and Danny Come to China Lesson-21课件_冀教版.ppt

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课前准备:小记者 animals first (1st) second (2nd) third (3rd) fourth (4th) fifth (5th) sixth (6th) seventh (7th) eighth (8th) ninth (9th) tenth (10th) eleventh (11th) twelfth (12th) Do you know? Do you know about your family’s year? 采访你身边的老师和同学 年龄(How old are you?) 属相(What is your year?) 比比谁知道的属相多! How many animals are there? 十二生肖也被称为十二年兽。在中国的历法上有十二只年兽,依次轮流当值,所以在中国,每年就有一个动物名,例如鼠年,牛年等 Story time What do you know ? 玉皇大帝想选出12种动物作为代表,然后他就派神仙下凡跟动物们说了这件事,定在卯年卯月卯日卯时到天宫来竞选,来的越早的排得越靠前,后面的就排不上。 到了卯年卯月卯日卯时,众动物纷纷赶向天宫。鼠坐在牛的背上。到达天庭后,老鼠“蹭”的一跳。玉皇大帝就说老鼠最早到达,让老鼠排第一;老牛排第二;老虎也随后到了,排第三;兔子也到了,排第四;龙来得很晚,但他个儿大,玉皇大帝一眼就看到了他,并看他这么漂亮,就让他排第五,还说让他的儿子排第六,可龙很失望, 因为他儿子今天没来。这时后面的蛇跑来说:“他是我干爸我排第六!我排第六!”蛇就这么排了第六;马和羊也到了,他俩你让我我让你的:马兄你先,羊兄你先,他们推来推去的,玉皇大帝看他们这么有礼貌,就让他们排了第七第八;猴子本来排三十几的,可是他凭自己会跳,就拉着天上的云朵跳到了前面,排到了第九;接着鸡狗猪也纷纷被选上。 I know : In China , years have names . Each year has an animal name. We know watch Lesson21 What Year Is It? What year is it? year 年,岁 near the year of the monkey. It’s a ________. snake tiger monkey rabbit dog pig sheep horse monkey This is It’s Here’s rooster It’s a rooster. What’s this? chicken ox What’s this? This is an ox. rat What year is it? It’s the year of the____. dragon My year is the year of the dragon. Your year is also the year of the dragon. also 而且,也 My year is What is your year? Ask and answer! the year of the___ . 十二生肖排排站! The twelfth animal is a pig. The rat is the first. first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 十二生肖排排站! rat ox tiger rabbit dragon snake horse sheep monkey rooster dog pig 游戏规则! 全班分为两大组进行PK 每组有一分钟的时间,规定时间内回答正确数多的组获胜。 每组派两人为代表进行比赛,其中一人描述(顺序如first,模仿声音,动作),另一人猜,遇到难猜的可以跳过。 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 十二生肖排排站! rat ox tiger rabbit dragon snake horse sheep monkey rooster dog pig There is no year of the cat


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