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目 录 ABSTRACT V 1 前 言 1 2 建 筑 设 计 2 2.1建筑概况 2 2.2采光、通风、防火设计 2 2.3建筑细部设计 2 2.4方 案 构 思 2 2.5设 计 过 程 3 2.6建筑做法 3 3 结 构 设 计 4 3.1 结构选型布置及计算简图 4 3.1.1.结构选型 4 3.1.2.柱网布置 4 3.1.3.梁板柱的截面尺寸 5 3.1.4.计算简图 6 3.2 荷载计算 7 3.2.1.恒荷载计算 7 3.2.2活荷载计算 12 3.2.3.风荷载计算 13 3.3.内力计算 15 3.3.1风荷载作用下的内力计算及侧移验算 15柱的侧移刚度计算过程如下 15 3.3.2.活荷载作用下的框架内力分析 19 3.3.3.恒荷载作用下的内力分析 24 3.4框架的内力组合 29 3.5.截面设计 32 3.5.1框架梁 32 3.5.2.框架柱 41 .5.3.楼梯的计算 46 3.5.4.板的计算 50 3.5.5.基础设计 56 4 施 工 设 计 63 4.1 工程概况 63 4.1.1总体概况 63 4.1.2建筑设计 64 4.1.3结构设计 64 4.2 施工部署 65 4.2.1总体部署 65 4.2.2工程的管理组织 66 4.3 施工准备 67 4.4 施工顺序 68 4.4.1施工原则 68 4.4.2基础工程施工顺序 68 4.4.3主体工程施工顺序 68 4.4.4屋面工程施工顺序 68 4.5分项工程施工技术及参数 68 4.5.1土方与基础工程施工方案 68 4.5.2主体结构施工方案 75 4.5.3主要装饰工程施工方案 90 4.6 施工进度计划 95 4.7 主要机具表 96 4.8 施工平面图布置 96 4.8.1施工平面图布置原则 96 4.8.2平面布置 97 4.9 施工措施 98 4.9.1安全技术措施 98 4.9.2文明施工措施 100 4.9.3雨季施工措施 102 谢 辞 108 参考文献 109 摘 要 ABSTRACT A building of office building was designed in this paper. this local earthquake resistance fortification intensity is 6 degrees, the location category is II kind of location.Leading wind direction for southeast, basic wind pressure 0.4KN/M. the room cover use the cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure. This design implementation “practical, safe, is economical, is artistic” the principle of design.According to the architectural design standard, considered earnestly affects the design each factor.According to structure and building overall and detail relations. This design after determination frame layout, has carried on the level first the load generation of tabular value computation, extracts the wind load with the D value law the function, then uses the bending moment two methods of distribution to alculate the vertical load (dead load and live load) under the function structure endogenic force, and discovers most disadvantageous group of or a several group of endogenic force combination. Selects the safest result computation to match the muscle and to draw a chart.In addition has also carried on


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