Exchangebased Incentive Mechanisms基于激励机制交换.ppt

Exchangebased Incentive Mechanisms基于激励机制交换.ppt

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Exchangebased Incentive Mechanisms基于激励机制交换

January 25, 2005 Exchange-based Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Exchange-based Incentive Mechanisms for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Kostas G. Anagnostakis, Michael B. Greenwald Overview Introduction to Incentive Mechanisms Exchange Mechanisms Exchange Transfers Preventing Cheating Simulation Results Measurements, Discussion Related Work Summary Conclusion Introduction powerful infrastructure performance depends on level of cooperation non-cooperation may have severe impacts solution: incentive mechanisms = stimulate cooperation (reward people who contribute to the system) Incentive Mechanisms participation level (e.g. KaZaA) credit system (monetary economy) centralized vs. decentralized proposal: exchange system (barter economy) - users trade resources between themselves - high priority for contributing users - not only 2-way but N-way exchanges Exchange Mechanisms (I) Basics fixed upload and download capacity partial transfers we ignore the object lookup ? each peer has an IRQ (incoming request queue) = upload queue Exchange Mechanisms (II) Rules transfer is initiated if 1. local peer has free upload capacity (slot) 2. transfer is an exchange transfer (ET) OR no ETs in IRQ (incoming request queue) upload slots are preemptively reclaimed by ETs! fixed-size block transfers termination of transfer if: - a peer disconnects - source deletes object - 1st transfer completed Exchange Transfers (I) identify feasible exchanges by looking at IRQ 2-way exchanges are simple but frequently do not resolve into convenient pairs compute feasible N-way exchanges e.g. cycles in (potentially enormous) graph G = (nodes, edges) = (peers, requests) N = 5 is sufficient Exchange Transfers (II) each peer maintains request tree (RT) - empty IRQ ? empty RT - non-empty IRQ ? includes other peer’s RTs in their incoming requests each peer - provides object to predecessor - gets object from successor A inspects RT - before transmitting - after receiving


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