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毕业设计 基于JSP+MySQl的计算机学院设备报修管理系统 大学 年6月 毕业设计 基于JSP+MySQl的计算机学院设备报修 管理系统 学 生: 指导教师: 专 业:计算机科学与技术 所在单位:计算机科学与工程学院 答辩日期: 年 6 月 19 日 摘 要 随着计算机科学与技术的迅速发展,计算机应用领域的不断扩大,许多性能好,功能齐全,应用面广,兼容性强的应用软件相应推出,可见计算机已经得到了广泛的应用,几乎各行各业都有关于计算机的使用,这使得计算机已成为社会中普遍存在的事物。由于计算机的使用,使得人们在于管理、应用及服务等各个领域使用数据方面变得更加简洁,更加方便,大大提高了工作效率,产生了以计算机为主体,以人为辅助的局面。在企业管理,办公自动化等方面得到了普遍应用,受到人们的广泛欢迎。 计算机设备网上报修系统不仅对于实验室的便携管理有很大的,且对教师对设备的管理更加方便能够及时的向实验室设备的状况给学校对设备的管理提供了有力把手本文主要介绍了网上报修系统的设计背景及开发过程,详述了系统的结构设计以及工作原理,解决了系统实现的技术性问题。在设计开发过程中,网上报修系统采用了JSP和MY SQL等技术,现在比较成熟的B/S,设备报修系统的功能,主要功能:网上报修,查看报修,网上填写处理单中心网上审阅,反馈资产管理处和报修老师;教务处审批。数据库根据系统的需求,完成建立存储的过程。关键词:JSP;MY SQL; Abstract Along with the rapid development of computer science, computer application domain constantly enlarges, and many capabilities are good, and the merit can completely, and it is wide to apply the face, and the strong application software of compatibility is correspondingly introduced, and the visible computer has got extensive application, almost various walks of life all concerned uses in the computer, and this makes that the computer has become the thing that universally exists in the society. Computer equipment online repair system not only for the management of the laboratory of portable have great help and teachers on the laboratory equipment management more convenient, and timely to the university laboratory equipment, to the school management of equipment provides powerful handle.?Are introduced in this paper computer laboratory online repair system design background and development process, system structure design and working principle is discussed in detail, to solve the problem of the technology of implementation of the system.?In the design and development process, computer lab online repair system the JSP and mywho, SQL technology, the now relatively mature B / S structure, the realization of the function of the equipment repair system, main function has: repair people online repair, maintenance personnel ch


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