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摘 要 为了改进普通白纸公文带来的流转时间长、工作效率不高的问题,本文在对中小企业日常工作安排充分调研的基础上,针对公司实际情况,采用最先进的JSP语言进行系统的开发,以SQL Server 2000作为网络数据库,开发了B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构的智能办公自动化之工作安排系统,提出了网上安排办公的新概念,实现企业各部门之间的电子互动办公,使企业内部人员方便快捷地计划和安排工作,高效地协同工作,并带来全新的工作体验——及时汇报,方便快捷,让领导第一时间知道工作开展情况,方便各单位及用户,提高办公效率。本系统的关键是如何实现对数据的处理,因此,考虑到数据量的庞大复杂,该系统采用三层架构,即:数据层、业务对象层和用户界面层。办公自动化之工作安排系统是针对企业各部门各用户工作安排开发的,专门用于企业内部员工网上安排工作的系统,其开发过程主要包括前端应用程序的开发和后端数据库的建立两个方面。对于前者要求应用程序功能完备操作简单,对于后者要求建立起数据一致性、完整性和安全性好的数据库。系统包含多个应用功能模块,是集工作计划、工作安排、工作日志、记事本、会议记录本、客户投诉登记表、来访登记及管理等为一体的综合办公工作安排系统。本设计首先对做了详细的需求分析;然后给出了所需的功能,重点探讨了的设计法案;最后对进行了较详细的设计,并给出了具体实现步骤;通过测试分析,该系统的运行稳定、可靠,具有一定的实用价值。In order to improve the circulation of plain paper documents to bring a long time, the problem of low efficiency, this article in the daily work of the SME full investigation based on the actual situation against the company, using the most advanced JSP language for system development, to SQL Server 2000 as a network database to develop the B / S (Browser / Server) structure of the intelligence work of office automation systems, proposed the new concept of online arrangements for office, enterprise electronic interaction between the various sectors of office, so that internal staff to quickly and easily plan and organize work efficiently work together and bring new work experience - timely reporting, convenient, so that the leaders get to know work carried out by various units and users to facilitate and improve office efficiency. The key is how the system of data processing, therefore, take into account the huge amount of data complexity of the system three-tier structure that is: the data layer, business object layer and user interface layer. The work of office automation system for all departments of the various users of work developed specifically for enterprise employees to work online arrangement system, its development process includes front-end application development and back-end database to establish two. The request for applications functions, simple operatio


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