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C-E Translation of Public Signs ——外宣翻译之公示语翻译 What is “public sign”? Sign: a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives people information, warnings, or instructions (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)  board, notice, etc that directs sb towards sth, gives a warning, advertises a business, etc (Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary) Public signs: 标示语,标识语,标志语,标语——公示语 Public signs are signs that are shown publicly, offering a kind of warning, direction, notification and other closely related literal or graphical information. (Dai Zongxian) Signing affects everybody—travellers, shoppers, visitors, drivers etc, whether in the course of business or pleasure. (Barry Gray) Types of Public Signs By the materials: traditional (metal, wood, paper, walls), electronic (digital) By ways of writing: marks, words, pictures, combination of them By their usage: traffic and road signs signs at public places tourist signs business signs signs for environmental protection Traffic and Road Signs Traffic and Road Signs Traffic and Road Signs Traffic and Road Signs Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs at Public Places Signs for Environmental Protection Signs for Environmental Protection Signs for Environmental Protection *保护绿草,留住绿意。 *小草有生命,脚下请留情。 *小草微微笑,请您走便道。 *护一片绿叶,献一份爱心。 Signs for Environmental Protection *保护绿草,留住绿意。 *小草有生命,脚下请留情。 *


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