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七、诊断 diagnosis-掌握 1、年龄 2、喂养 3、临床 皮下脂肪减少 reduction in subcutaneous fat 体重下降 weight loss 各系统功能紊乱 dysfunctions in a variety of organs 其它营养素缺乏的症状和体征 4、详细了解病史 * Diagnosis Ages:It usually affects the infant under three years old of age History : Feeding history and a history of infection and systemic disease Clinical manifestations : loss of weight, decrease and disappearance of subcutaneous fat Assistant examination:IGF-1,Prealbumin * 诊断—常用的分型分度指标 体重低下 underweight 生长迟缓 stunting 消瘦 wasting * 蛋白质-能量营养不良 Protein – Energy Malnutrition (PEM) 教学大纲 teaching outline 掌握:蛋白质-热能营养不良的临床表现和防治方法。 熟悉:蛋白质-热能营养不良的病因、病理生理 与临床表现的关系。 了解:蛋白质-热能营养不良的预防措施。 To master the clinical manifestation and the preventing and treatment of PEM To be familiar with the etiology 、the relationship between pathophysiology and clinical of PEM To understand the prevention of PEM * 一、概述 overview 1、定义:缺乏 能量 蛋白质 营养缺乏症 2、多见于3岁婴幼儿,影响儿童体质、生存年龄和生存质量,同时也影响认知能力和智力发育。 3、全球儿童营养不良的现状: 全球5岁以下儿童有1.68亿患热能-蛋白质缺乏,占此年龄组儿童的27%,而亚洲(主要在南亚)就占70%。 * Definition Protein-energy malnutrition refers to a form of malnutrition where there is inadequate protein or engergy intake. It often occurs in children aged below 3 with symptoms of weight loss, reduction in subcutaneous fat, subcutaneous edema, and dysfunctions in a variety of organs. * 一、概述 4、临床特征:体重减轻 weight loss 皮下脂肪减少 reduction in subcutaneous fat 皮下水肿 subcutaneous edema 各器官功能紊乱 dysfunctions in a variety of organs 5、临床分型:消瘦型 marasmus 浮肿型 kwashiorkor 消瘦-浮肿型 mixed type * Three common types of PEM Protein-energy malnutrition have three common types: marasmus characterized by energy deficiency kwashiorkor characterized by edema, irritability, anor


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