高二英语人教版 专题04 完形知识修养训练---一词多义 Word版含解析.doc

高二英语人教版 专题04 完形知识修养训练---一词多义 Word版含解析.doc

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高二英语人教版 专题04 完形知识修养训练---一词多义 Word版含解析

专题04完形知识修养训练---一词多义 【理论回顾】 在英语中,不少单词有两个甚至多个意思,我们把这种现象称之为一词多义。一词多义是很普遍的语言现象。在完形填空的选项中,有时也出现一些多义词。对这类词的常见意义掌握得不够全面,会给考生在解答完形填空时带来很大的干扰,导致错选误选。喜欢用排除法的考生,由于遗漏或是没掌握某些单词的多个意思,结果把本应是答案的选项给排除掉。 1. ?To make sure that he was remembered with love and respect. Nobel arranged in his ______ to Ks5ugive the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes, which would be awarded to people Ks5uwho made great contributions to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences. A. book????????????B. article????????????????C. will???????????????????D. contract 干扰原因分析:这是2009年广东高考试卷,当年不少学生不知道will表示“遗嘱”,他们误以为在此是“意志”的意思,甚至还将之视为情态动词。 2.?It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes, The???arguement???has been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by??learning???situation that has designed for the??? children. A. smart??B. curious?C. mature??D. average 干扰原因分析:average在此不是“平均的”之意,而是“平庸的,普通的ordinary”之意。 对策:考生在备考的时候,不妨把一词多义的单词(词组)摘录下来,并养成把该词的各种意思串连成句来记忆的好习惯。本人在教学之余,对部分一次多义的单词进行了整理,并串连成句,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。 1.Where did you lay the eggs laid by the hen?(lay摆放;下蛋) 2.Her major problem is that she doesn’t know which major to take up.(major主要的;专业) 3.Julia is a pretty pretty girl.( pretty非常;漂亮的) 4.On the tree hung a criminal who was hanged for murder.(hang悬挂;绞死) 5.The boy lying in bed often tells lies.(lie躺;撒谎) 6.He adopted my suggestion that he adopt a child (adopt采纳;收养) 7.We’re content with the content of the lesson.( content满意的;内容) 8.Having realized the weaknesses ,he made up his mind.( realize意识到;实现) 9.He has a date with Mary on the date of December 10,2016.(date(约会;日期) 10.At first the boy planned to give the change to the beggar ,but he changed his mind later.(change变化;零钱) 【想一想】 你能想出几个常见的一词多义的词吗? 【练一练】 一.写出下列常见的中文意思。 1.hang 2.stick 3.strike 4.paper 5.interest 6.dull 7.coach 8.cotribute 9.express 10.match 11.fan 12.firm 13.watch 14 desert 15.approach 二.根据语境把每句话中划线词的中文意思写在括号里。 1.He o



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