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摘 要 本论文所要阐述是一个简单的数字温度测量仪的设计的总过程。本设计以温度传感器AD590经LM324放大电路,将温度信号转换为电压信号,通过AD变换器 ADC0809,将温度信号传送给单片机AT89C52。单片机通过查询方式将ADC0809转换的数字信号进行采集处理,送LED进行显示,最后温度可以直接由LED读取。本文详细阐述了硬件每一部分,并给出硬件框图和系统原理图,以及显示温度用的软件程序,绘制了PCB板。文中对所用到的主要器件做了较详细的介绍分析,并介绍了PCB图时所用的工具及需要注意的问题。论文的主要结构如下: 1根据系统要求对系统进行分析,确定系统总体方案并设计系统的整体结构。 2把整体细分化,对每个模块进行详细介绍。 3绘制原理图,并制成实验板。 本次毕业设计的成果是,了解并掌握了传感器的基本理论知识,更深入的掌握单片机的开发应用和PC编程控制,为以后从事单片机软硬件产品的设计开发、PC软件开发打下了良好的基础。 关键词:AD590;传感器;AT89C52;单片机;温度;PCB Abstract The present paper must elaborate is a simple numeral temperature measuring set design total process. This design take temperature sensor AD590 after the LM324 enlargement electric circuit, transforms the temperature signal as the voltage signal, through AD converter ADC0809, transmits the temperature signal for monolithic integrated circuit AT89C52. The monolithic integrated circuit the digital signal which transforms ADC0809 carries on through the inquiry way gathering processing, delivers LED to carry on the demonstration, the end temperature may read directly by LED. This article elaborated in detail hardware each part, and gives the hardware diagram and the system schematic diagram, as well as the demonstration temperature uses the software procedure, has drawn up the PCB board. In the article to the main component which used has made the detailed introduction analysis, and introduced when PCB chart used the tool and needed to pay attention question. The main framework of the disquisition will be explained in three point. 1.Design the whole structure of the system base on the analyze the requirement of the system. 2. Separate whole system into particular part and introduce every part. 3.Protract SCH picture and make the system on the experimentative borad. This graduation project achievement is, understood and has grasped the sensor elementary theory knowledge, the more thorough grasping monolithic integrated circuit development application and the PC programming control, will be engaged in the monolit


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