毕业论文范文 基础教育评价改革研究与探讨.doc

毕业论文范文 基础教育评价改革研究与探讨.doc

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毕业论文范文 基础教育评价改革研究与探讨.doc

毕业论文范文 基础教育评价改革研究与探讨 学 生: XXX 学 号:625669056 专 业:行政管理 导 师: X X 学校代码:10248 内 容 摘 要 本论文以当前基础教育课程改革为背景,抓住改革中的热点——学生评价问题,阐述了自己论点,即走出当前基础教育评价改革的误区,建立以学生发展为本的评价方式 。 本论文研究意义在于 ,“评价”在课程改革推进过程中始终像“瓶颈”一般,在很多方面会制约课程改革甚至影响课程改革的成败,因此评价改革的成功会直接带动课程功能、课程结构、课程内容的改革及学生学习方式、教师教学方式的转变。确立“以学生发展为本”的评价观,探索与研究顺应课改新要求的评价策略与方法,是课程改革进程中必须突破的难点之一。 本论文通过对当前基础教育实施学生评价过程中存在的问题,诸如评价目的、评价观念、评价指标、评价方法、评价技巧等方面的剖析与比较,提出了相应的解决方法与策略,并指出评价要遵循多样化、多元化、全息性、发展性评价原则,在评价功能上改变以前评价甄别、选拔的功能,发挥评价促进学生发展、教师提高、改进教学实践的功能;在评价主体上改变以往以教师为评价主体的局面,体现学生自主评价与反思;在评价目标上注重层次化,更关注对学生非智力因素的评价;在评价时间中强调过程化,记录学生成长、成功的轨迹;在评价形式上讲究多元化,将定性评价与定量评价相结合,终结性评价与形成性评价相结合Abstract Against the background of the current education reform of basic education, this paper focuses on the issue of student assessment and suggests correcting the mistakes in the basic education assessment and establishing the student-centered assessment approach. The significance of the paper is that the success of reform in education assessment will directly influence the reform of course function, course structure and course content and change the way of learning and teaching. This is because ‘assessment’ is like a ‘bottleneck’, which constrains the course reform and influences its result. Therefore, one of the difficulties in the process of course reform is to establish the ‘student-centered’ concept of assessment and to explore and study the strategies and approaches that are tuned to the new demands of the course reform. On the basis of the comparison of some problems existing in the process of student assessment in the current basic education, such as the purpose, the concept, the standard and the techniques of assessment, this paper provides some solutions and strategies to the corresponding problems. It maintains that assessment should conform to the principle of diversification, comprehensiveness, multimode and development. It should change the former function of differentiation and selection to the function of promoting the deve


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