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Managing Cost and Strategy Tulane and Tsinghua Lecture One Value Chain: Strategy Design 李志文 Fundamental Formula of Business SuccessEconomic Value = (price – unit cost) x quantity Price and Quantity: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty Cost: Source of Competitive Advantage Economy of Scale Economy of Scope Division of Labor and Specialization Structure of Team Free Form: Double Tennis, Jazz Combo Centralized: Soccer/Orchestra Decentralized: Baseball Basic Components of Team: Functional Role, Decision Type, Leadership Style SWOT Analysis of Competitive Advantage Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Finding SWOT: Benchmark Analysis Benchmarking Value Chain and Landscaping Analysis Case: Sara Lee Virtual Organization Outsourcing Team Structure Brand Management Research and Development Need of Cost Management Examples of Term Papers 江帆:中国航天电子 王安嘉:联合报集团 曹伟宏,周苏贵:海尔集团 谢淑仪:利丰 Li and Fong Dynamic Value Chain Product Cycle Globalization Term Paper 15 out of 50 Selected for Revision 10 out of 15 get A, will write MBA Thesis under my supervision Papers of finalists will be considered for publication * * Three Keys to Success Vision: Goal, Innovation, OpportunitiesStrategy: How to make it happen (allocating physical resources)Team: Who make it happen (building organizational human capital) Physical resources Human resources Support services Accounting Human resources Legal services Information systems Telecommunications Research And Develop- ment Design Supply Production Marketing Distri- bution Customer service Economic Value I have been thinking about Value Chain for years! 附加价值高的在香港进行 ? 附加价值低的在香港以外的地方进行 ? 在中国进行缝合 衣服的里布来自台湾 布料在南亚染色 外面的布料采购自韩国 拉链由日本进口 产品的设计 标签 包装 运输的管理 财务 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A Global Sources 小规模 大规模 大规模 贸易公司 零售商 WalMart Gap L Li Fung Avon B2B online companies Trading companies Retailers Li Fong Competitive Positioning ? ? ? 产品的发展 原材料的采购 生产计划 制造商的寻求 制造的管制 品质得
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