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INCITING FACTORS Shock Aspiration of gastric contents Trauma Infections Inhalation of toxic gases and fumes Drugs and poisons Miscellaneous(多种多样的) STAGES Acute, exudative(渗出) phase rapid onset of respiratory failure after trigger diffuse alveolar(肺泡) damage with inflammatory cell infiltration(浸润) Hyaline(透明) membrane formation capillary injury protein-rich edema fluid in alveoli disruption of alveolar epithelium NORMAL ALVEOLUS Type I cell Endothelial Cell RBC’s Capillary Alveolar macrophage Type II cell ACUTE PHASE OF ARDS Type I cell Endothelial Cell RBC’s Capillary Alveolar macrophage Type II cell Neutrophils ARDS Acute Exudative Phase STAGES Subacute, Proliferative phase: persistent hypoxemia development of hypercarbia(高碳酸血症) fibrosing alveolitis further decrease in pulmonary compliance pulmonary hypertension STAGES Chronic phase Obliteration(闭塞) of alveolar and bronchiolar spaces and pulmonary capillaries Recovery phase gradual resolution of hypoxemia improved lung compliance Resolution(消退) of radiographic(X线照相) abnormalities PATHOGENESIS Target organ injury from host’s inflammatory response and uncontrolled liberation of inflammatory mediators Localized manifestation of SIRS Neutrophils and macrophages play major roles Complement activation Cytokines: TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6 Platelet activation factor Eicosanoids(类花生酸类物质): prostacyclin(前列环素), leukotrienes, thromboxane Free radicals Nitric oxide ARDS的治疗原则 去除病因 纠正缺氧 抗炎和抗氧化治疗 防治肺水肿 营养支持 * 1、弥散障碍的原因: (1) 肺泡膜面积减少:总面积80m2 肺实变、肺不张、肺叶切除 (2)肺泡膜厚度增加: 肺水肿、肺泡透明膜形成 肺纤维化、稀血症 (3).弥散时间过短(0.25s)可发生PaO2 2、弥散障碍时的血气变化: ( Ⅰ型) 一般 只有PaO2 下降, 不伴有 PaCO2升高 代偿性通气过度时, PaCO2降低 (三)、肺泡通气与血流比例失调: (ventilation-perfusion imbalance) 血液流经肺泡时能否保证得到充足的O2和充分地排出CO2,使血液动脉化,除需有正常的肺通气功能和良好的肺泡膜弥散功能外,还取决于肺泡通气量与血流量之间的正常比例。 1、肺通气血流比例失调的类型和原因: (1)部分肺泡通


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