Calculating Discrete Logaithms Nicolette Nicolosi计算离散对数 Nicolette尼科洛西.ppt

Calculating Discrete Logaithms Nicolette Nicolosi计算离散对数 Nicolette尼科洛西.ppt

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Calculating Discrete Logaithms Nicolette Nicolosi计算离散对数 Nicolette尼科洛西

Calculating Discrete Logarithms John Hawley Nicolette Nicolosi Ryan Rivard Discrete Logarithms We want to find a unique integer x such that αx = β (mod n). We can find x by solving: x = logα β (mod n). But… Logarithms are easy! Logarithms in real numbers are easy to calculate, partially because the log function is continuous and monotonically increasing. Discrete Logarithms don’t have either of these properties. For example, in a (mod 5) system, the powers of 2 are 1, 2, 4, 3. This wraparound makes the discrete log function significantly harder to compute than the ordinary log function. Definitions Multiplicative Group A set of congruence classes that are relatively prime to the modulus. We used the group Zp, where the modulus is a prime number and the group is cyclic (the values repeat). Definitions Order of a Group The number of elements in a group, which can be found using Euler’s totient function For Zp, this is p ? 1 For Zpk, it is (p ? 1) pk ? 1 Generators and Primitive Elements An element that produces the other elements of the group when raised to various powers. Primitive elements are also generators. The Problem We have a multiplicative group (G, *), α is a generator of G having order n, and β is an element generated by α. Remember, we want to find a unique integer x such that αx = β (mod n), by solving x = logα β (mod n). The Problem Computing αx = β for a given x is simple and efficient using the square-and-multiply algorithm for exponentiation. Computing a = logα β is difficult and can consume a large amount of time and memory for large values, such as those used in cryptography. The Problem This property makes discrete logs ideal for cryptographic applications because one function is easy, but the inverse function is difficult. There is a class of public-key cryptosystems that use the discrete logarithm problem for key generation and encryption/decryption. The El Gamal Cryptosystem p is a prime number chosen so that the Discrete Logarithm problem



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