Ending Impunity fo Gender Crimes under the International 结束了在国际性犯罪的惩罚.docVIP

Ending Impunity fo Gender Crimes under the International 结束了在国际性犯罪的惩罚.doc

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Ending Impunity fo Gender Crimes under the International 结束了在国际性犯罪的惩罚

Ending Impunity for Gender Crimes under the International Criminal Court Barbara Bedont, Assistant Coordinator, Democracy and Justice Program, International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Katherine Hall Martinez, Deputy Director, International Program, Center for Reproductive Rights The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. VI, Issue 1: 65-85. Published 1999 [T]hey brought her fourteen-year-old son and forced him to rape her. . . . On [another] occasion, I was raped with a gun by one of the three men. . . in the room. . . . Others stood watching. Some spat on us. They were raping me, the mother and her daughter at the same time. Sometimes you had to accept ten men, sometimes three. . . . I felt I wanted to die. . . . The Serbs said to us, Why arent you pregnant?. . . . I think they wanted to know who was pregnant in case anyone was hiding it. They wanted women to have children to stigmatize us forever. The child is a reminder of what happened. - Anonymous, Bosnia 1 Introduction For millennia, women and girls have suffered rape, sexual slavery, forced pregnancy and other brutal forms of sexual and gender violence during armed conflict. Like other forms of war related brutality, such violence is often sanctioned, tolerated or ordered by military, paramilitary or other governmental actors. Although the international community has made some strides in outlawing and punishing atrocities committed during armed conflict through the development of international humanitarian law, gender-based violence has been consistently marginalized or dismissed as a natural consequence of war. The international communitys conclusion of a treaty in July 1998 to create a permanent International Criminal Court (the ICC or the Court) to investigate and punish genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in circumstances in which national authorities fail to do so was indeed an important step forward for humankind. Womens rights activists viewed the negotiations



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