Mean Shift A Robust Approach to Feature Space Aalysis均值漂移到特征空间分析的一个有力的方法.ppt

Mean Shift A Robust Approach to Feature Space Aalysis均值漂移到特征空间分析的一个有力的方法.ppt

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Mean Shift A Robust Approach to Feature Space Aalysis均值漂移到特征空间分析的一个有力的方法

Mean Shift A Robust Approach to Feature Space Analysis Kalyan Sunkavalli 04/29/2008 ES251R An Example Feature Space An Example Feature Space An Example Feature Space Mean Shift A non-parametric technique for analyzing complex multimodal feature spaces and estimating the stationary points (modes) of the underlying probability density function without explicitly estimating it. Outline Mean Shift An intuition Kernel Density Estimation Derivation Properties Applications of Mean Shift Discontinuity preserving Smoothing Image Segmentation Outline Mean Shift An intuition Kernel Density Estimation Derivation Properties Applications of Mean Shift Discontinuity preserving Smoothing Image Segmentation Intuitive Description Intuitive Description Intuitive Description Intuitive Description Intuitive Description Intuitive Description Intuitive Description Outline Mean Shift An intuition Kernel Density Estimation Derivation Properties Applications of Mean Shift Discontinuity preserving Smoothing Image Segmentation Parzen Windows Kernel Properties Bounded Compact support Normalized Symmetric Exponential decay Kernels and Bandwidths Kernel Types Bandwidth Parameter Various Kernels Outline Mean Shift An intuition Kernel Density Estimation Derivation Properties Applications of Mean Shift Discontinuity preserving Smoothing Image Segmentation Density Gradient Estimation Mean Shift Mean Shift Mean Shift is proportional to the normalized density gradient estimate obtained with kernel The normalization is by the density estimate computed with kernel Outline Mean Shift An intuition Kernel Density Estimation Derivation Properties Applications of Mean Shift Discontinuity preserving Smoothing Image Segmentation Properties of Mean Shift Guaranteed convergence Gradient Ascent algorithms are guaranteed to converge only for infinitesimal steps. The normalization of the mean shift vector ensures that it converges. Large magnitude in low-density regions, refined steps near loc


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