
国际贸易法第二章 国际货物买合同制度.ppt

国际贸易法第二章 国际货物买合同制度.ppt

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国际贸易法第二章 国际货物买合同制度

第二章 国际货物买卖合同制度 第一节 CISG概述    1、是国际贸易统一实体法中影响最为广泛意义最为深远的一部公约。    我国进行对外货物买卖业务最重要的国际条约。 2、 UNCITRAL在1964年海牙外交会议上通过的《国际货物销售统一法公约》和《国际货物销售合同成立统一法公约》的基础上制订的。   3、该公约于1980年在维也纳通过,于1988年1月1日正式生效,为国际货物买卖合同的订立、买卖双方的权利和义务制定了统一的法律规则。    该公约体现了大陆法系、英美法系和社会主义法系之间的平衡,考虑了发达国家与发展中国家的不同利益和要求,具有广泛的代表性,受到了各国政府的好评和重视。   4、缔约国已经有77个,(除英国) 5、《公约》共101条,主要内容有:公约的适用,国际货物销售合同订立的原则,合同当事人的权利、义务,违约责任,损害赔偿,风险转移,免责事项等。 6、我国政府对公约的贡献:公约序言基本上采用我国代表团的提议       CISG Song The CISG Song was written by Professor Harry Flechtner for CILEs November 2005 conference titled The CISG and the Business Lawyer: The UNCITRAL Digest as a Contract Drafting Tool. He performed it again at the 2006 Vis Competition in Vienna along with his encore, The Mootie Blues. Professor Flechtner has won the law schools Excellence in Teaching Award four times because students love his classes. Like Prof. Flechtner? /academics/cile/cisgsongpage LYRICS: When I was a little boy my daddy said to me, If you want great riches, son, its a merchant you should be. You can deal in goods from cars to cod, and earn more than enough. But dont buy or sell cross borders, son, cause thats awfully risky stuff. We didnt have no C-I-S-G. [1] If we bought or sold in another State we didnt know what the law would be. But now theres a Convention to make global trade more free. Cept them gol-danged U.S. courts just treat it like the U-C-C. [2] As a young man I took up those words my daddy said. I became a merchant -- traded goods to earn my bread. But I would not buy or sell beyond the borders of my State Cause if the deal was not domestic, none could tell my legal fate. We didnt have no C-I-S-G. We were clueless how the law would go if we dealt internationally. But now under this treaty global commerce is a breeze, Cept some jerks from Pittsburgh and Denmark say I cant recover no attorney fees. [3] So now there is a treaty when I buy or sell afar. I can deal with folks from everywhere, from Arles [4


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