托福口语task 3 做答案的流程.doc

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托福口语task 3 做答案的流程

Task 3 校园事务议论题 步骤1、读懂机经 题目日期: 题目页码: 大家就不要在这里录入机经了,直接对照着讲义里的该题目机经看即可! 【学校通知】:大学计划关掉图书馆的灯,代之以节能灯,并关掉调空调air-condition。好处:节能。 【学生议论】:学生反对此计划。理由1、学校很多房间没有人看书,灯老开着,费电。学校应该把这些房间的灯关掉。节能灯太暗,学生还得自己带台灯。理由2、如果关掉空调in hot days,图书馆就不够comfortable,就没人去图书馆学习了。大家只能在宿舍复习了,但是宿舍又太吵,所以很难专心复习。[北美2007.12.7/2007.12.8] 步骤2、精简理顺 【学校通知】: Content: Reason / Benefit 1: Reason / Benefit 2: 【学生议论】: Attitude (whose and how): Reason 1: Reason 2: 步骤3、扫清障碍 步骤4、口串答案 The announcement from the university newspaper says that the university is planning to ________. There are two reasons. First, _______. Second, ______. In the conversation, the man ______ this new policy due to two reasons. First, ______. second, _______. 步骤5、起草答案 The announcement from the university newspaper says that There are two reasons / benefits. First, Second, In the conversation, the man this new policy due to two reasons. First, Second, 步骤6、自改+互改 步骤7、定稿! The announcement from the university newspaper says that the university is planning to replace the lights in the library with energy saving lights and turn off the air-conditioning to save energy. In the conversation, the man disagrees with this new policy due to two reasons. First, turning off the lights in empty classrooms would be more effective in terms of saving energy. Also, energy saving lights may be too dark and will bring inconvenience to students. Second, the library would be uncomfortable if the air-conditioning is turned off. As a result, students would prefer to study at dormitories rather than library. However, the noise in dormitories may lead inefficient study to students. (112 words) 步骤8、 提线索词 在定稿中找到线索词: 【学校通知】: Content: The announcement from the university newspaper says that the university is planning to replace the lights in the library with energy saving lights and turn off the air-conditioning Reason / Benefit 1: to save energy. Reason / Benefit 2: to save energy. 【学生议论】: Attitude (whose and how): In the conversation, the man disagrees with this ne


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