BPM(业务流管理) v1.0.ppt

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BPM(业务流管理) v1.0

* * * * 其他的问题: 不但没有流程负责人,甚至没有活动负责人 有活动,但没有活动执行的要求和标准 流程只停留在流程活动的描述 很多企业都进行了流程管理,但都是分散的、离散的、局部的流程管理,没有形成系统化的流程管理 以往的“流程管理”更多的停留在定义阶段,而这仅仅是流程管理的一个起点而已。 * * * * So we’ve established that there are lots of initiatives underway, year in year out Any initiative which is aimed at improving enterprise performance must surely be concerned about Business Processes – Here’s a few examples to consider - Re-organisations, Mergers or Acquisitions, new or upgraded IT systems, Corporate governance, risk and compliance, etc… All of these initiatives require at their core a thorough understanding of business processes involved … Business process management, including – analysis and control mechanisms to design improved processes … And the communication and training initiatives to ensure that such changes are understood by employees (or suppliers) and adopted and sustained. What chance is there of getting this right … … learning and improving the art of business process management …and sustaining the results … if all these initiative work in isolation with their own silo’ed approach to business process management ? * * * * Building risk into business components Link in of measures Control points Capture of system, data, processes Fundamental to what we are talking about is this simple equation. Result equals Initiaves x Adoption squared. Many projects focus on putting lots of content in place. Getting consultants to map the processes, capturing knowledge in a database, installing ERP and CRM. If none of this Content is adopted, i.e. A=0 then the result is still zero. How many companies have work created at great expense by consultants, only to be left gathering dust on shelves, or in the dusty corner of the company intranet. How many CRM implementations fail to return any benefits because it is never used as intended – and the relatively simplicity of is part of its success Don’t under-estimate the impact of poor Adoption and the effort you need to put in to raise


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