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结膜病 Basic Knowledge The conjunctiva is a thin, translucent mucous membrane that lines the posterior surfaces of eyelids and covers the noncorneal portion of the anterior segment of the eye. Bulbar conjunctiva Palpebral conjunctiva Superior and inferior fornices 结 膜 结膜炎conjunctivitis Epidemiology one of the most frequent eye disorders. Etiology of conjunctivitis Infectious cause: bacterium, virus, fungal, parasite, chlamydia Noinfectious cause: chemical, mechanical, irritative, allergic ... conjunctivitis Clinical manifesitation Symptoms of conjunctivitis Ocular discomfort Itching Foreign-body sensation Burning Photophobia Lacrimation Pain conjunctivitis Clinical manifesitation Signs of conjunctivitis injection and chemosis increase of exudates (purulent, mucopurulent, stringy…) subconjunctival hemorrhage papillary hyperplasia follicle formation. (lymphatic hypertrophy) membrane or pseudomembrane formation swollen lymph nodes 睑结膜充血 结膜水肿 结膜滤泡 脓性分泌物 膜性结膜炎 结膜充血与睫状充血鉴别 结膜充血 睫状充血 结膜血管 角膜缘深层血管网 鲜红色 暗红色 近穹隆部明显 近角膜缘明显 手指推动结膜可移动 手指推动结膜不可移动 0.1‰肾上腺素→充血消失 0.1‰肾上腺素→充血不消失 结膜炎 角膜炎,虹睫炎, 急闭青,etc conjunctivitis Examination and Diagnosis history and clinical examination laboratory exam: Epithelial scraping Smear of exudates 细菌感染→中性粒细胞 病毒感染→单核细胞↑,淋巴细胞为主 衣原体感染→包涵体,中性粒细胞和淋巴细胞等量 过敏性→嗜酸性粒细胞或嗜碱性粒细胞↑ conjunctivitis Treatment Remove the cause Eyedrops Ophthalmic ointment Clearing conjunctival sac Systemic treatment Don’t cover in acute stage 1. Bacterial Conjunctivitis Classification based on the course of disease. Hyperacute conjunctivitis (24h)


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