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仁爱八年级(下)期末专项练习之完填空篇 (一) Every country has its special customs. Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest is to be _1__. If a person is ___2__ to dinner at half past six, he should not be there too early. He should be there on time or at most a few minutes ____3 _. When the guests can not come on time, he should call the host or hostess(女主人)to give the ____4 and tell what time he can come. As guests ____5 , the men in the group should stand when a woman goes into the room and go on ____6 until she sits. When the guests sit down at a table, the men should help the women _____7____ their chairs under them. Americans drink soup from the side of the soup spoon instead of the tip(尖). __8___ not a good manner to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any plate. If for some reasons a guest has to leave the table ___9______ the meal, he should ask the hostess, Will you excuse me for a minute.? Following the meal, guests usually stay for about two hours, but a polite person is careful not to stay ____10_____. As the guests, they should thank the hostess for a very good time. After two or three days, the guests should call the hostess for her asking. 1. A. on time B. in time C. on the time D. rich 2. A. invite B. invites C. inviting D. invited 3. A. before B. ago C. later D. early 4. A. why B. reason C. time D. place 5. A. get to B. arrive at C. reach to D. arrive 6. A. stand B. standing C. stood D. stands 7. A. with push B. by pushing C. to pushing D. and push 8. A. That’s B. This is C. It’s D. You’re 9. A. during B. in C. on D. between 10. A. too long


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