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 PAGE II  PAGE I 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目: FZ1-2B型翻车机液压系统设计 外文题目:FZ1-2B TYPE TRAIN DUMPER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DESIGN 专 业: 机械工程及自动化(流体传动与控制) 时 间: 二零一五年六月 摘要 翻车机指一种用来翻卸铁路敞车散料的大型机械设备。,是铁路运输的主要产品。翻车机液压系统作为翻车机在控制中的主要组成成分,其控制性能的优劣决定了翻车机整体工作性能的好坏。因此,研究翻车机液压系统对推动我国铁路运输的发展有着很重要的意义。 本次通过对FZ1-2B型翻车机液压系统进行分析与设计,对其工况特性进行分析,针对压车和靠车以及控制原理进行分析研究,并对其液压回路进行优化设计,通过对工况分析所得参数对其各部分执行元件的参数进行合理的计算,经过各个厂家液压元件的优缺点对比,合理的完成液压系统所需的各???液压元件的选型,再对所设计的液压系统进行系统性能验算,检验所设计的液压系统的合理性,并进一步完善设计上的不足,最终设计出一套实用性较强的翻车机液压系统。此外,通过对FZ1-2B型翻车机液压系统进行分析与设计,明确液压系统在整体控制中的作用以及相互之间的联系,为进一步整体机械的设计提供依据。 关键词:翻车机;液压系统;工况分析;选型;系统性能验算。 Abstract Dumper refers to a large mechanical equipment used for tipping railway truck bulk material. , is the main railway transportation products. Dumper hydraulic system as tipper control system is one of the core technology, the control performance is good or bad directly determines the overall performance of the car dumper is advantageous or not. Therefore, research on the hydraulic system of the loader to promote the development of Chinas railway transportation has important significance. Based on the analysis and design of FZ1-2B type hydraulic dumper system, a detailed analysis of the operating characteristics, according to the press and on the vehicle and the control principle of analysis and research, and the hydraulic circuit design, reasonable calculation of the parameters of the analysis of the parameters on the condition of each part of the actuator, through comparison the advantages and disadvantages of various manufacturers of hydraulic components, reasonable and complete selection of various hydraulic components hydraulic system is required, then the system performance calculation of the hydraulic system of hydraulic system, reasonable test design, and further improve the insufficiency of the design, the final design a set of practical hydraulic dumper system. In addition, through the FZ1-2B dumper hydraulic system analysis and de


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