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International Settlement;Chapter One Introduction; the financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle claims and debts,emerged in the course of political ,economic or cultural contacts among them. ;Negotiable intsruments(票据): bills of exchange, promissory notes, checks Payment techniques: remittances,collections, letters of credit, bank guarantees, international factoring and forfaiting Documents: bills of lading,insurance policies, certificates of origin, etc ;Trade settlement: payments for visible trades Non-trade settlement: 1、invisible trade settlement: payments for services, technology transfer, patents and copyright contracts, etc 2、financial transaction settlement: buying and selling of financial assets, overseas money-raising and investing 3、payments between governments:aids and grants 4、others: overseas remittances, inheritances, etc;From cash settlement to non-cash settlement From goods trading to documents trading From direct payment between traders to payment effected through a financial intermediary safety, high efficiency, low cost, standardization Electronic settlement SWIFT CHIPS CHAPS FEDWIRE TARGET; SWIFT(Society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunication)环球同业银行金融电讯协会 特点:标准化;安全可靠,自动加核密押;高速度,低费用. 业务分类:客户汇款(customer transfer);银行头寸调拨(bank transfer);外汇业务(foreign exchange confirmations);托收业务(collections);证券业务(securities);贵金属和银团贷款业务(precious metals and syndication);信用证和保函(documentary credits and guarantees);旅行支票(travelers cheques);银行帐单处理业务(statements).;Exporter to get prompt payment; minimize non-payment risks Importer to receive goods as ordered; pay as late as possible Financial intermediary to maximize revenues; credit risks associated with financing extended to buyers or sellers; To exporters: protection against non-payment risks b


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