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土石坝设计方向 毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 水利水电工程学院水工2005级水工(2)班 学 号 : 姓 名 : 指导教师 : 评 阅 人 : 日 期 : 2009年06月 中国?南京 摘 要 关键词: 毕业设计,斜心墙土石坝,稳定计算 论文对西南某江水利枢纽进行了以坝工为重点的工程设计。该坝为斜心墙土石坝,正常蓄水位2828米,汛限水位2828米。 首先是根据某江流域的自然地理,水文气候特征确定工程等级,并进行洪水调节计算。在可行的几种泄流方案中,择优选出采用的方案和相应的设计与校核水位。 然后进入主要建筑物设计。确定枢纽的组成建筑物,包括挡水建筑物、泄水建筑物、水电站等。在定性分析的基础上,确定出大坝的型式及坝址和坝轴线。 在第一主要建筑物设计阶段,确定出大坝的基本剖面和轮廓尺寸,拟定地基的处理方案和坝身构造。之后依次进行了土料设计、渗流计算、渗透稳定校核、稳定计算和细部构造设计,从各个方面验证了设计剖面的可行性。 其次为第二主要建筑物设计。确定出泄水建筑物的结构型式和轮廓尺寸,进行选线布置。进行水力计算,从泄流能力、净空要求、挑距和冲刷深度等方面验证设计型式的可行性。并进行细部构造设计。 最后进行粗略的施工组织设计。从明确施工控制点着手,定出了开工日期、截流日期、拦洪日期、封孔蓄水日期、初始发电日期和最后的竣工日期。 本设计共历时12周 ABSTRACT The thesis is designed for a river Water Control Project lying to the Southwest of China and the dam construction is emphasized .First the project rank is difined according to the design data by 2823.20m and coming the flood adjust by 2824.00m. Then find out the best one in the practicable spilling alternatives,with their design water level and check water level together. Then coming the main structure design grade.the parts of preject are defined,consisting of blocking structure 、spillway structure 、hydropower station,and so on.The dam type is defined based on the qualitative analysis.The basis cross section and the outline dimension is defined in the first main structure design grade.The processing alternative of the dam foundation and the construction of the dam body is formulated in the same time.After this,the feasibility of design construction is verified from soil design,seeage compute,infiltrating stability analylsis and detail construction plan. Next the second main structure –spillway is designed .It’s composition type and outline dimension is defined before it’s site layout and water compute.The feasibility is also verified by spill ability、net air request、depth of flow scouring and so on.The detail construction plan comes the last. The final part is construction programming.The controlling points are made clear, such as going in


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