三年级上册英语课件Module 9Unit 1 This is my mother外研版 .ppt

三年级上册英语课件Module 9Unit 1 This is my mother外研版 .ppt

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三年级上册英语课件Module 9Unit 1 This is my mother外研版

新标准小学英语第一册 Unit 1 This is my mother. Module 9 Family Is this ...? No, it isn’t. Yes, that’s me. Guessing : Is this ...? No, it isn’t. Yes, that’s me. Guessing : Is this ...? Guessing : This is my teacher. This is my family. 每学期我们都要举行家长会,在家长会上你需要向老师介绍你的家长,我希望你们能用英语向我介绍一下你的家庭,OK? 本课任务: Listen to the tape and circle Sam’s family member. 听录音,圈出Sam的家庭成员。 This is my mother. This is my father. This is my grandpa. This is my grandma. Is this your sister? No, it isn’t. That’s me. That’s my brother. Let’s chant. Father, father, my father, this is my father. Mother, mother, my mother, this is my mother. Brother, brother, this is my brother. Sister, sister, this is my sister. Listen again and answer: What does Sam’s mother do? Sam的妈妈是干什么工作的? What does Sam’s father do? Sam的爸爸是干什么工作的? He’s a teacher. She’s a teacher. He’s a . doctor Role play This is my … Panpan’s family 2 1 Is this your …? A guessing game. grandpa mother 3 father 4 brother 5 grandma 6 sister father mother sister brother me father mother sister dog me father mother me father mother brother me father mother me father mother brother me father mother sister brother me father mother sister dog me Choose one of them to act. 开家长会时,我不确定你们家哪个家长能来,所以这节课你先利用照片向老师介绍一下你的家庭,让我认识你的家庭成员,OK? Talk about your family. Hello, I’m … This is my family. This is my father/ mother / … That’s my brother/ sister / … Is this your …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. I love my family. 在家长会上 Do you know? 在英美国家对父母正式称呼为father mother, 在家里,孩子一般称父母为dad mom。 你知道吗? Please say it to your dad and mom: Father and mother, I love you. family Homework: Listen to the tape of Module 9 Unit 1. 2. Introduce your family to your good friends.   向你的好朋友介绍你的家庭。


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