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GCT-ME外语运用抢分讲义 GCT英语考试综述 复习总策略: 首先,要有扎实的基础,即词汇量和语法知识; 其次,要进行专项训练,即词汇、阅读、完型填空和会话技能; 第三,要进行综合训练,把握做题的节奏和速度; 第四,要进行限时模拟训练,争取在43分钟内完成一套模拟题。 得分目标(4070) 依据个人情况,在得分上对四个科目进行合理安排,确定符合自己状况的得分目标以及复习策略。 得分目标分解: 题型题量分值得分目标用时计划词汇语法10208125阅读理解2040162818完型填空102061410会话技能1020101610 第一部分:词汇语法 一、词汇 1、词的用法: 2007-04.Minimum wage is the ____amount of money per hour that an employer may legally pay a worker. A.little B. few C. least D. smallest 2、词的辨析(形、副、名、介词; 近义词,形近词) 2008-01. E-commerce has witnessed a_____ growth these years. A. fixed B. stable C. steady D. regular 2007-05.Sometimes, artists paint ____for their own enjoyment or self-expression, choosing their own subjects. A.reluctantly B. occasionally C. primarily D. generously 2005-10. There is going to be ________ time for people to assess whether or not we have made the right decision in this time of urgency. A.sufficient B. additional C. efficient D. consequent 2007-02. In space, ___and equipment need many forms of protection. A.pilots B. astronauts C. engineers D. scientists 3、词组,搭配 2008-08. He was _____ knowing everything about the courses he was to take at the university. A. lost in B. attentive to C. clear of D. keen on 2007-03. Living things can sense and ___changes in their surroundings. A.respond to B. make up C. lead to D. decide on 2005-01. To speed _______ your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you. A.up B. on C. out D. down 2005-09. Today’s popular clothing chains ________ teenagers, who can be counted upon to change their tastes every 30 days. A.resort to B. attend to C. appeal to D. apply to 二、语法 1、复合从句 2008-04. All _____ was needed was one boal push to close the deal. A. that B. what C. there D. which 2007-07.Kathy hopes to become a friend of ____shares her bitternes


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