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目录 摘 要 3 Abstract 4 第一章 综合说明 5 §1.1概述 5 §1.2工程特性表 6 第二章 设计资料 7 §2.1枢纽任务 7 §2.2基本资料 7 第三章 枢纽主要建筑物的型式与总体布置 12 §3.1工程等级及技术规范设计标准 12 §3.2调洪演算及设计基本数据 12 §3.3枢纽组成建筑物 14 §3.4坝型选择 15 §3.5泄水建筑物型式选择 17 §3.6厂房及引水系统布置 17 §3.7枢纽总体布置 17 第四章 拱坝设计 18 §4.1拱坝型式及布置 18 §4.2荷载及其组合 20 §4.3计算原理和计算步骤 23 §4.4应力强度分析(电算,手算) 23 §4.5坝肩稳定验算 27 第五章 泄水建筑物设计 29 §5.1泄水建筑物组成与布置 30 §5.2泄槽设计 30 §5.3消能与防冲 31 §5.4泄水孔口应力及配筋 32 第六章 坝体细部构造及地基处理 33 §6.1坝体构造与细部结构设计 33 §6.2坝基处理 34 结语 38 附表 37 参考文献 41 摘 要 A江水利枢纽同时兼有防洪,发电,灌溉,渔业等综合作用,水库正常蓄水位183.5m,设计洪水位186.8m,校核洪水位189.68m,汛前限制水位182m,死水位164m,尾水位103.5m。水库死库容4.80亿m3,总库容10.81亿m3。 A江水利枢纽工程等别为一等,工程规模为大(1)型工程,主要建筑物级别为1级,次要建筑物级别为3级,临时性建筑物级别为4级。 A江水利枢纽的主要组成建筑物有,厂房,泄水建筑物,过木筏道等。m,高8m,进口底高程为164m,出口底高程为154m;中孔位于水电站进水口两侧,孔口宽m,高7m,进口底高程为135m,出口底高程为130m。泄槽支撑结构采用框架式结构。坎顶高程为11m,浅孔反弧半径为0m,中孔反弧半径为m。泄槽直线段的坡度与孔身底部坡度一致,挑射角θ=o,导墙厚度为m, 浅孔导墙高度为m,中孔导墙高度为m。4台5万kw的发电机组,主厂房长81m,宽18m,副厂房长66m,宽10m,安装场长21m,宽18m。Abstract Ajiang hydrocomplex play parts in flood control,water power,irrigation,water conservancy related fisheries,and so on.The reservoir normal water level is 183.5m,design flood level is 186.8m,maximum flood level is 189.68m,flood control level is 182m,dead water level is 164m,and tailwater level of hydropower station is 103.5m.The dead reservoir capacity is 480,000,000m3,and the total reservoir capacity is 1,081,000,000 m3. The hydraulic engineering grade is Grade I. The hydroproject is consist of water retaining structure,power house,auxiliary room,sluice structure,raft sluice,and so on. The water retaining structure is a double curvature arch dam.The length of the axis of crest dam is about 303m.Maximum height of the dam is 100.16m,the thickness of the bottom of the dam is 26m,and the width of the top of the dam is 8.3m. The release structure is comprised of 2 mid-level outlet and 2 short-level outlet.The width of the mid-level outlet is 8m,and the height is 7m;the width of the short-level outlet is 8.5m,and the height is 8m.The upstream and the downstream side o


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