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请仔细填写以下各项内容,如果没有请用“无”或“/”表示 Please fill in below contents carefully; indicate “None” or “/” if not. 在现单位工作时间 Working period in present company 您在中国的亲属是否也一同参加这次旅行。如有??前往。请注明,姓名、关系 your relatives in China will join the tour with you together? If yes, please indicate names and relationships. 您在国外是否有亲戚或朋友,本人是否出过国或申请过出国签证?如申请过出国签证,是否有被拒绝的记录?请注明情况。 Do you have relatives or friends abroad? Have you ever gone abroad or applied for exit visa? If you have applied for exit visa, do you have refusal record? Please indicate conditions. 旅游合住者姓名 Name of travel companion 个人独资企业营业执照 Business License for sole proprietorship enterprise 中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局总局制 by State General Administration of the PRC for Industry and Commerce 2 相当小学毕业 Equal to primary school graduate 3 暂住理由 Reason for temporary residence 其它经济型 Other economic types (下)暂字 (Xia) Zanzi (本证有效期至领证之日起一年) The Certificate shall be valid within one year from the date of issue.) 其它劳务 Other labor services 暂 住 地 Temporary residence 双桥区石洞沟派出所温家沟街道山上53号 No. 53, Shanshang Road, Wenjiagou Street, Shidonggou Police Station, Shuangqiao District 河北省围场满族蒙古族自治县 Hebei Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County 16 个人工商户营业执照 Business License for Individual Business 塑料编织制造 Plastics weaving manufacturing (凡涉及许可证制度的凭有效许可证经营) ( is required for operation involving license system) 7 桥下下塘 Xiatang, Qiaoxia 个人独资企业 Sole proprietorship enterprise 电子,电器,红外线保护器,机械设备制造,加工 Manufacturing and processing of electronics, electric appliance, infrared protectors and machinery equipments 不再另行通知 Without any further notice 9 执行合伙企业事务的合伙人 Partner who executing partnership enterprise business 电子电器开关,冲件,塑料件,模具,金件的制造,加工 Manufacturing and processing of electrical switch, stamping parts, plastic parts, molds and metal parts 10 就地分户(所内移居) Local household splitting (removal within the public station) 电梯曳引机配件,冷作板金制造,加工,销售,五金加工 Manufacturing, processing and selling of elevator


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