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基于SN8P19系列单片机Auto-Run功能体重秤的设计 摘 要 现代社会随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对自己的身体健康越来越关注,而体重又是衡量身体健康与否的一个重要标准,因此用一台体重计定期测量自己的体重是很必要的。传统的体重秤是仪表形式的,不仅测量的误差比较大,而且读数很不方便,体积上会占用更多的空间。因此一款便携,易操作,测量精度高的体重秤就很能满足人们的需求。 本文以松翰SN8P1937单片机为核心,基于Auto-Run功能,当待测重量达到体重秤的开机重量时便开始称重,不像以前的体重秤要用脚踩脚踏开关才能开始称重。该单片机内部集成了16位的AD转换功能,可编程增益放大器,液晶驱动等丰富的片内资源。该系统只有在称重的时候在正常模式工作,此时会打开硬件资源,其他时间都工作在绿色模式,绿色模式芯片的电流只有几个微安,因此,该款体重秤非常省电,有很好的实用性和环保性。 该设计分为硬件设计和软件设计两大部分。硬件设计部分分为:LCD显示部分,压力信号采集与转变, EEPROM,低电压检测模块和部分按键。由于压力传感器的输出信号是非线性的,所以如果利用线性的处理方法有很大误差,使测量结果不准。因此采用分段线性的方法完成AD转换部分和放大电路部分的设计。软件部分先完成各个模块的底层驱动,然后完成应用层的设计,最终使系统达到预期的结果。 关键词:体重秤,SN8P1937,Auto-Run功能,压力传感器 The Design of Weighing Scale Based on SN8P19 Series MCU Auto-Run Features Abstract Modern society, as peoples living standards improved, people become increasingly concerned about their health, as weight is an important factor whether healthy or not .It is important for people to use a scales to measure their weight.The traditional form of instrument scales are not only relatively large measurement errors, but also not easy reading,and volume of the scales will take up more space.So a portable, easy operating, high precision scales, clearly meet the needs of the people. In this paper, Sonix SN8P1937 MCU core, based on Auto-Run feature, it works when weight tested reaches the minimum of the weighing scales,unlike the previous of weighing scales use foot pedal to begin counting. The MCU integrates a 16-bit AD conversion, programmable gain amplifiers, LCD driver rich on-chip resources and so on. The system only weighing when in normal mode, open the hardware resources, the other time working in the green mode, green mode only cost a few microamps of current,so this kind of weighing scales is very power savings and have a good practical and environmental protection. The design is divided into two parts, hardware design and software design. The part of hardware design is divided into: LCD display part, the pressure signal acquisition and change, EEPROM, low voltage detecti


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