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OUTLINE Reasons Different opinions (pros cons) Cf. China Significance reasons Common reasons 1、advancing scientific research 2、uniting different nations 3、ensuring the future survival of humanity 4、developing military and strategic advantages against other countries. ------From Wikipedia reasons Common reasons We can find evidences or roots in the goals and missions of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)----- To Improve life here,To extend life to there,To find life beyond; To understand and protect our home planet,To explore the Universe and search for life,To inspire the next generation of explorers reasons Special reasons for US Space exploration has often been used as a proxy competition for geopolitical rivalries such as the?Cold War. The early era of space exploration was driven by a “Space Race between the?Soviet Union?and the?United States, the launch of the first man-made object to orbit the?Earth, the USSRs?Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957, and the first?moon?landing by the American?Apollo 11?craft on July 20, 1969 are often taken as the boundaries for this initial period. ------From Wikipedia reasons Special reasons for US “One of the main purposes of the Apollo Program could be dated back to 1961, when the United States hoped that she could impress the third world with its power of science technology so as to keep them out of the sphere of influence of the communism… NASA was founded as a tool of the Cold War…” ----From “Countdown” (T. A. Heppenheimer), translated by Hao Zhiyang reasons Special reasons for US 阿波罗计划的重要动机可追溯到1961年,当时希望美国的技术力量能给第三世界国家留下深刻印象,以阻止他们加入共产主义的实力范围……由于NASA是作为冷战的工具而发展的…… —From “Countdown” (T. A. Heppenheimer), translated by Zhu Weiguo, Xiang Xiaoli Different opinions---pros The ideas here may well echo those which have been introduced when we talk about the reasons for the space explor


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