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Clean energy: Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy known as the atomic energy, it refers to the atomic nucleus nuclear redistribution and combined release energy. Nuclear energy is divided into two categories, a class called nuclear fission energy, it refers to the heavy elements nuclear fission occurs when the energy released. The other called fusion, it refers to the light elements nuclei in the event of fusion reaction energy released in nuclear energy has enormous power. Utilization of nuclear reactor nuclear fission releases heat to power system.It is very similar with the thermal power generation.Just to the nuclear reactor and steam generator for thermal power generation boiler, to nuclear fission can replace fossil fuel chemical energy.In addition to boiling water reactor outside, other types of power reactor is a loop of the coolant through the core heating, steam generator, heat is transferred to the two loop and three loop of water, and then forming a steam driven turbine generator.Boiling water reactor is a loop of the coolant through the core heating into 70 times atmospheric pressure saturated steam, the steam separation and drying after direct drive generator.
China nuclear power starts later, 80 time just begin the construction of nuclear power plant.Chinese designed and constructed in 300000 kW of Qinshan nuclear power plant at the end of 1991 put into operation.Dayawan nuclear power plant started in 1987, 1994 all grid power.From the general trend of the development of nuclear power, the development of Chinas nuclear power technology and strategic route has long been clear and is being implemented, the current development of pressurized water reactor, metaphase to develop a fast neutron reactor, the long-term development of fusion reactor.Specifically, the recent development of thermal neutron reactor nuclear power plant; in order to make full use of uranium resources, using plutonium cycle route of technology, the medium-term development of fast breede
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