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《傲慢与偏见》中金钱与婚姻的关系 On the Relationship between Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice Abstract The present paper, by the novel Pride and Prejudice, which is a great 19th-century realistic novel, shows Jane Austen’s opinion of marriage, from which we also can see the executive concern with money of relationship in the English society at that time. Marriage, a special relationship, is also based on money. We all know that love is the basis of marriage, but at that time, in such a historical social environment, a good economic situation is necessary. In Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen describes a variety of marriage relationships and her penetrating vision tells people that the essence of bourgeois marriage is nothing but money transactions, benefit trade. The thesis is the analysis of the nature of the marriages based on Jane Austen’s ideal love marriage and points out the practical significance of the novel located. Key words: Marriage; Money; Love 摘要 《傲慢与偏见》是19世纪一部伟大的现实主义小说,作者简·奥斯丁在文中通过对爱情的描写表达了对爱情的观点。在文章中我们看到了当时英国社会对经济地位的一种偏执的想法,而婚姻作为一种特殊的社会关系也是建立在经济基础之上的。我们知道,爱情是婚姻的基础,但是在当时的社会,经济在婚姻中同样扮演着很重要的角色。简·奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中, 描写了各种不同的婚姻关系, 用最透辟的眼光向人们表明, 资产阶级婚姻的实质无非是金钱交易、利益的结合。是经济、数字决定人们的生活和命运, 决定者婚姻关系。本文即是在分析资产阶级婚姻观本质的基础上探究简·奥斯丁的理想婚姻观,以小说中人物婚姻的发展过程为主线, 阐述了资产阶级婚姻的实质,并指出了小说的现实意义所在。 关键词: 婚姻;金钱;爱情 Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 The Background of Austin 1.2 The Background of Pride and Prejudice 2. The Four Marriages in Pride and Prejudice 2.1 Charlotte and Collins 2.2 Lydia and Wickham 2.3 Jane and Mr. Bingley 2.4 Darcy and Elizabeth 3. The Different Understandings about Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 3.1 The Marriage Based on Feelings of Love 3.2 The Marriage Based on Vanity and Carelessness 3.3 The Marriage Based on Money or Benefit 3.4 The Marriage Based on True Love Conclusion 1. Introduction 1.1 The Background of Austin?     Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born in Hampshire, a country priest family located in Hants, the village of Kingston, Sidemen in north England. She w


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