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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文) 题 目:棋盘井某煤矿选矿厂煤泥水浮选工艺的实验研究 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业:矿物加工工程 班 级:矿加09-1班 指导教师: 摘 要 我国是个以煤炭作为主要能源的国家,我国煤炭原煤灰分偏高,而且随着机械化采煤比例提高,煤泥海量越来越高,高灰难选细颗粒煤泥呈现“细、杂、难”的特点。 灰分是有害物质。Ours is a coal as the main source of energy, Chinas coal coal ash high, and with the increased proportion of mechanized coal mining, coal increasingly high mass, high-ash refractory slurry of fine particles show a fine, mixed, difficult characteristics. Ash is hazardous. Send a coal industry under long-term planning in the coal preparation technology, will focus on the development of high-ash, high-sulfur coal and hard coal washing technology, fine coal sorting technology. Slime flotation is the main way to deal with, but also a powerful way to reduce sludge ash. So treated slime flotation process of inquiry has important practical significance. This test focuses on exploring the flotation process includes grading work was selected, as well as the secondary flotation process flotation flocculant sludge ash to reduce the effect of impact. Test coal from a coal mine in Inner Mongolia Hubei Hector flag pending coal plant, under laboratory conditions, by fractional flotation, flotation and secondary grade secondary flotation orthogonal change coagulant dosage, flocculant the role of time and orthogonal experiment to explore the flotation process. Experiments show that the secondary flotation can be improved to a certain extent, the flotation results, especially coal selection can effectively reduce the ash content effectively. Grade coal flotation flotation of such little effect. The amount of polyacrylamide and time in a certain range of conditions can improve the flotation effect, over this range the effect is no longer evident. Key words:Flotation process ; Slime;Ash;Flocculant 目录 摘 要 2 ABSTRACT 3 目录 5 第一章绪论 6 1.1煤炭中的灰分及由来 6 1.1.1灰分的定义 6 1.1.2灰分的分类和由来 6 1.2 课题的提出 6 1.2.1 课题的研究意义 6 1.2.2 课题的研究内容 7 1.2.3课题可行性 7 1.3关于分级浮选、二次浮选和絮凝浮选研究状况 8 1.3.1于分级浮选的研究概况 8 1.3.2二次浮选的研究概况 8 1.3.3


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