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%*********************************************************************** 5= T$h;O ? %? ? 3-D FDTD code with PEC boundaries Iw?*y.z| ? %*********************************************************************** H!'4A& ? % r dCs ? %? ? Program author: Susan C. Hagness }B_?7+ ? %? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering &hrMpD6z6i ? %? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? University of Wisconsin-Madison T}/|nOu 5 ? %? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1415 Engineering Drive 41P0)o ? %? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Madison, WI 53706-1691 9MH;=88q ? %? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 608-265-5739 :s \zk^h? ? %? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? hagness@engr.wisc.edu |}UA=? Xl ? % )_\;l%& ? %? ? Date of this version:? February 2000 ![$`Ivro` ? % yYSmmgrX0 ? %? ? This MATLAB M-file implements the finite-difference time-domain ("F$r$9S ? %? ? solution of Maxwell's curl equations over a three-dimensional $gN\%X/n"1 ? %? ? Cartesian space lattice comprised of uniform cubic grid cells. %hN(79:g ? % vq.o ;q / ? %? ? To illustrate the algorithm, an air-filled rectangular cavity < Np Mv!g ? %? ? resonator is modeled.? The length, width, and height of the po\jhfn ? %? ? cavity are 10.0 cm (x-direction), 4.8 cm (y-direction), and VcXr!4 M ? %? ? 2.0 cm (z-direction), respectively. DU8\1( ? % #pgD-0_ ? %? ? The computational domain is truncated using PEC boundary >~Gy+- ? %? ? conditions: yUD@oOVC0 ? %? ? ? ? ? ex(i,j,k)=0 on the j=1, j=jb, k=1, and k=kb planes ky]^N) ? %? ? ? ? ? ey(i,j,k)=0 on the i=1, i=ib, k=1, and k=kb planes 7Hv 6>z#m ? %? ? ? ? ? ez(i,j,k)=0 on the i=1, i=ib, j=1, and j=jb planes <9"@<[[, ? %? ? These PEC boundaries form the outer lossless walls of the cavity. A ^6z.MdYZ ? % a@&qdp ? %? ? The cavity is excited by an additive current source oriented x 9\ {a ? %? ? along the z-direction.? The source waveform is a differentiated Qj1%'wW G ? %? ? Gaussian pulse given by #K@!jh)y^ ? %? ? ? ? ? J(t)=-J0*(t-t0)*exp(-(t-t0)^2/tau^2), ^`dMjeF ? %? ? wher


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