
Research for Betel quid Related Oral Cancer:对槟榔与口腔癌的研究.ppt

Research for Betel quid Related Oral Cancer:对槟榔与口腔癌的研究.ppt

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Research for Betel quid Related Oral Cancer:对槟榔与口腔癌的研究

Research for Betel quid Related Oral Cancer Tien-Yu Shieh D.D.S., Ph.D., DNM., FICD Dean of College of Dental Medicine Kaohsiung Medical University Professor/Specialist of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Betel quid chewing associated diseases OSCC NPC Esophagus cancer Liver cancer Central obesity Prematurity Blood pressure regulation Research Scheme Patients from KMUH,OS ENT for pharynx and larynx Gastroenterology for Endoscope Blood Tissue Serum (Protein) Buffy coat (DNA) DNA / RNA Lip N2 / -80℃ Center of Excellence for Environmental Medicine Stain Paraffin block Questionnaire Already:ACE、TNF-α、MMP-2、VEGF、P53、COX-2、TIMP Further:KLK、SCCA、BIRC5、HOX1、BUB1、CDHP、EPR1、KB20、 MOP9、CLIF… epidemiology Molecular Epidemiology + Protein concentration OSCC   Oral precancer   Health control     (ng/ml) N Mean + SD N Mean + SD N Mean + SD p-value KLK6 59 8.87+5.80 57 9.01+6.15 29 6.88+2.58 0.6132 KLK7 53 0.75+1.17 52 1.15+2.01 21 0.52+0.90 0.1132 KLK10 59 12.52+9.37 57 11.6+10.59 29 10.66+8.49 0.4962 Table. Plasma KLK6, KLK7, and KLK10 in OSCC, oral premalignant patients , and health control. Missing: Protein concentration too low to measurement As show in this table, there was no significant between protein concentration and OSCC, oral premalignant, and control. (P value analysis by Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.) ELISA-血清中蛋白質 Score Stage Figure1-b. Relationship between different cancer stage of OSCC patients and the protein localization in KLK6, 7, and 10 stage 樣本數N I 8 II 8 III 5 IV 8 免疫組織化學染色法—Protein localization Table . Expression of KLK6, 7, and 10 mRNA in cancer lesion and surrounding normal tissues in OSCC patients. (N=12) 1 4.38 RNA濃度 在抽菸、嚼食檳榔及喝酒習慣下, KLK7與KLK10基因多型性與發展成口腔鱗狀上皮癌之多變項邏輯式回歸分析。 對照組 n (%) 口腔鱗狀上皮癌 n (%) 口腔鱗狀上皮癌OR (95%CI) 口腔鱗狀上皮癌adjusted OR (95%CI) KLK7 wt/wt 24 (18.8) 41 (22.5) 1.00 1.00 ins/ins+wt/int 104 (81.2) 141 (77.5) 0.79 (0.45-1.39) 0.79 (0.42-1.48) KLK10 GG 58 (46.0) 58 (32.4) 1.00 1.0


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