
XMOS审查新营销组合研究XMOS Research Review The New Marketing Mix【国外优秀商务报告】.ppt

XMOS审查新营销组合研究XMOS Research Review The New Marketing Mix【国外优秀商务报告】.ppt

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XMOS审查新营销组合研究XMOS Research Review The New Marketing Mix【国外优秀商务报告】

XMOS Research Review The New Marketing Mix Rex Briggs, Marketing Evolution We are a people of tradition, but the past no longer serves us. Learn from the present and focus on the future. Have you re-evaluated your marketing mix? The Past is Outdated Our conceptual models of media and advertising are outdated Our conceptual models of media and advertising are outdated The Past is Outdated In the Beginning, Media Mesmerized Us There was a time when radio could hold attention Television then… Television then… Advertising Wallpaper We have learned more in the past 10 years about how the brain works than we learned in the previous 100 years Learning theory is rarely applicable in today’s media environment Advertising’s effect is more subtle, and impossible for consumers to accurately gauge on their own Our conceptual models of media and advertising are outdated Orange Juice Case Example Control group: Branded OJ Taste Test Exposed group: Ad exposure, then Branded OJ Taste Test It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. Alan Cohen The Key To Understanding The New Landscape: Implication to marketers: Set aside your assumptions and see what works. Implication to research: Measure the effect through observation - Don’t guess at it. - Don’t ask consumers to guess at an ads influence! Measuring Advertising Never ask respondents if they took a certain action because of advertising Instead, observe the effect Advertising is a low involvement communication and is not generally perceived as a cause for action (even when it is) Measuring Advertising Effect 15 Public Studies to Date XMOS 1.0 Unilever’s Dove XMOS Branding - 1st wave McDonald’s Colgate Total Kimberly Clark Kleenex AstraZeneca Nexium XMOS Branding - 2nd wave Universal Pictures Home Video ING VeriSign Sensodyne (UK) Carlsberg (Denmark) Charlie’s Angels (Denmark) XMO$ Sales Branding 12. Ford F-150 13. PG’s Olay 14. Kraft’s Jell-O 15. Nestlés


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