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戏剧 二. 查理曼大帝的文艺复兴 (The Renaissance of Charlemagne) 一个新的罗马帝国 (A New Roman Empire) 宗教统一的力量 (The Unifying of Religion) 修道院制度的贡献 (The Contributions of Monasticism) 查理曼大帝的成就 (Charlemagne’s Achievement) 为将来而保留过去 (Preserving the Past for the Future) 戏剧 三. 教堂剧的发展 (The Development of Liturgical Drama) 戏剧性的传统 (The Tradition of Liturgical Drama) 基本的组成要素 (Basic Components) 戏剧与敬拜的同化 (The Integration of Drama and Worship) 圣诞戏剧表演的扩展 (The Expansion of Christmas Theatricals) 希律王的长久统治 (The Long Reign of King Herod) 作为演出场地的教堂 (The Church as Performance Space) 戏剧 四. 严肃的喜剧 (Serious Comedy) 在中世纪的罗马戏剧 (Roman Theater in the Middle Ages) 滑稽剧的复兴 (comic Revivals) 希尔德加德的剧本 (The Plays of Hrotsvit) 两部基督宗教喜剧 (Two Christian Comedies) 拉丁剧本的表演 (The Performance of Latin Plays) 拉丁情景喜剧 (A Latin Situation Comedy) 戏剧 五. 大众的《圣经》 (The Popular Bible) 中世纪的弥撒媒介 (Medieval Mass Media) “新郎”的来临 (The Coming of “the Bridegroom”) 翻译中的基督宗教信使 (The Christian Message in Translation) 青春的庆祝 (The Celebration of Youth) 直接讲故事 (Telling It Straight) 戏剧 六. 刀刃上的剧本 (Plays on the Cutting Edge) 让棘手的争论公诸于众 (Airing Difficult Issues) 在德国本笃会修院中的信仰和理性 (Faith versus Reason at Benediktbeuern) 在甘德斯海默一个灵魂的旅程 (The Journey of a Gandersheim) 天启的剧本 (Apocalypse Plays) 在阿拉斯的地方性演出活动 (Acting Locally in Arras) 戏剧 七. 职业的表演者 (Professional Performers) 职业的标志 (The Mark of the Professional) 吟游诗人的作用 (The Role of the Jongleur) 宫廷内的娱乐 (Entertainment at Court) 诗人-音乐家 (The Poet-Musicians) 讽刺性寓言诗和滑稽剧 (Fables and Farces) 神迹剧和道德剧 (Miracles and Moralities) 戏剧 八. 社团戏剧 (Community Theater) 都市中心 (Urban Centers) 圣诞节节期和狂欢节 (Christmastide and Carnival) 激情与神秘 (Passion and Mystery) 戏剧发展的新时机 (A New Occasion for Theater) 基督剧集 (The Corpus Christi Play) 戏剧 九. 中世纪戏剧的死后生活 (The Afterlife of Medieval Theater) 戏剧确定的范围:围栏、规章和审查 (Circumscribing the Theater:Enclosure, Regulation, and Censorship) 接受与复兴 (Reception and Revival) 艺术 Overview of Visual Arts (中世纪艺术概览) 重建的年代 (An Era of Reconstruction) 二. 基督宗教的影响 (The Influence of Christianity) 关于视觉形象的争论 (The Debate Over Visual



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