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[ 绩效管理] 卫生经济研究2012 年5 期总第300 期 基于结构方程模型的政府卫生投入绩效评价研究 1 1 2 王小万 ,冯芮华 ,刘丽杭 (1.中国医学科学院卫生政策与管理研究中心,北京 100020; 2. 中南大学公共管理学院,湖南 长沙 410083) 摘要:利用结构方程模型,评价全国各省市2002- 2008 年的政府卫生投入绩效。结果显示:政府卫生投入 绩效总体供给不足;东、中、西部地区政府卫生投入绩效递减;地区间的政府卫生投入绩效差异呈现缩小的局 面;政府卫生投入绩效逐年提高;现阶段,增加投入是提高政府卫生投入绩效的关键。 关键词:政府卫生投入;绩效;结构方程模型 中图分类号:R19 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-7778 (2012)05-0041-06 Evaluation on Performance of Government Investment in Healthcare Based on Structural Equation Model 1 1 2 WANG Xiao-wan , FENG Rui-hua , LIU Li-hang (1.Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Research Center for Health Policy and Management, Beijing 100020 , China;2. Central South University School of Public Administration ,Hunan Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: Use the method of structural equation model ,the paper evaluates the performance of government investment in healthcare during 2002-2008 years in provinces of China. Results: The performance of government investment in healthcare in supply is overall inadequate; the performance of government investment in healthcare decreases progressively in eastern, central and western region in china, however, regional differences in the performance of government investment in healthcare is lessening at present; the performance of government investment in healthcare is improving year by year. Currently, increasing investment is critically important for improving the performance of government investment in healthcar. Key words: government


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