Semantic linking of data and journal publications in the STD-DOI 语义在std-doi数据和期刊链接.ppt

Semantic linking of data and journal publications in the STD-DOI 语义在std-doi数据和期刊链接.ppt

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Semantic linking of data and journal publications in the STD-DOI 语义在std-doi数据和期刊链接

Semantic linking of data and journal publications in the STD-DOI project Jens Klump and STD-DOI Team European GeoInformatics Workshop Edinburgh, 7 March 2007 Autors Jens Klump1, Robert Huber2, Jan Brase3, Michael Diepenbroek2, Hannes Grobe4, Beate Hildenbrand5, Heinke H?ck6, Michael Lautenschlager6, Uwe Schindler2, Irina Sens3 and Joachim W?chter1 GFZ Potsdam (proposed WDC-TERRA) WDC-MARE, Univ. Bremen TIB Hannover (Nat. Lib. Sci. et Tech. Germany) WDC-MARE, AWI Bremerhaven WDC-RSAT, DLR-DFD Oberpfaffenhofen WDC-Climate, MPI-MET Hamburg Data publication today Data in the publication process today Project “Publication and Citation of Scientific Primary Data” Funded by the German Science Foundation. Project partners: WDC-MARE (Bremen/Bremerhaven) WDC Climate (Hamburg) GFZ Potsdam (proposed WDC-TERRA) WDC-RSAT (Oberpfaffenhofen) Implementation of services for the publication of data. DOI registration agency at German National Library for Science and Technology (TIB Hannover). To date 6 DOI registration agents. Inclusion of data publications into library catalogues. STD-DOI System Architecture Example Data Publication TIBORDER catalogue of the German National Library of Science and Technology. doi:10.1594/GFZ.SDDB.1043 at the ICDP Scientific Drilling Database. TIBORDER / GBV Catalogue ICDP Scientific Drilling Database SDDB Metadata Management Metadata management for data authors is kept simple by offering a data upload assistant. Data upload process is styled in analogy to eBay sales upload assistant. Internal Semantics SDDB metadata are held in a fully normalised relational database. SDDB metadata are fully browseable to allow iterative search. SDDB has (so far) no full-text search. Putting data into context Parameters are organised in a tree-structure. Homonyms are allowed – the parameter tree is ordered according to scientific context. The Spatial Dimension DOI metadata The STD-DOI metadata are mainly Dublin Core elements, plus data specific elements. The metadata


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