XDS (Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing):XDS(跨企业文档共享).pptVIP

XDS (Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing):XDS(跨企业文档共享).ppt

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XDS (Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing):XDS(跨企业文档共享)

Image Enabled PHR Report Push model No Query of PACS from outside the firewall Full DICOM data set is available Web viewers Download and Import to PACS Report is available Historical exams can be sent simultaneously Consumer controls flow of information Affords the patient the ability to select what information to share Is this good? Advantages of Approach Refine Workflow Initial workflow is to replace a CD Exam updates Download DICOM data and archive in a local PACS Edge server as a platform Radiation Monitoring Peer Review Quality Metrics Future Directions CTP is a stand-alone program that provides all the processing features of a MIRC site for clinical trials in a highly configurable and extensible application. It connects to FieldCenter applications and can also connect to MIRC sites when necessary. CTP has the following key features: Single-click installation. Support for multiple pipelines. Processing pipelines supporting multiple configurable stages. Support for multiple quarantines for data objects which are rejected during processing. Pre-defined implementations for key components: HTTP Import DICOM Import DICOM Anonymizer XML Anonymizer File Storage Database Export HTTP Export DICOM Export FTP Export Web-based monitoring of the applications status, including: configuration logs quarantines status Research CTP- The RSNA Clinical Trial Processor What is our product? Who are our customers? What are the mechanisms of sharing? What are the impediments? Technology Policy Issues that govern sharing Imaging Exams We live in a heterogeneous world needing multiple solutions CDs and portable media have both advantages and drawbacks Compliance with standards helps We are transitioning to network/internet solutions Security and confidentiality are even more difficult ONC and State policies will foster these solutions Solutions are evolving Proprietary solutions are often easier to implement Solutions based on open standards will provide the patient with greater flexib


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