WILDSCAPE COMPONENTS - The State of Water …:wildscape组件-水的状态….ppt

WILDSCAPE COMPONENTS - The State of Water …:wildscape组件-水的状态….ppt

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WILDSCAPE COMPONENTS - The State of Water …:wildscape组件-水的状态…

Aquatic Invasive Species Invasive Species Public Awareness Campaign 2009 Sunset Commission raised issue of exotic aquatic plants and directed Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to: “provide greater information to the public on the harm caused by releasing exotic species.” Invasive Species Invasive Species Impacts Invasive Species Impact Aquatic Invasive Species: Plants Aquatic Invasive Species: Animals Invasive Species A Closer look Invasive Species Campaign Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta) the first species to be addressed Giant Salvinia Why Giant Salvinia? Hello Salvinia ~ Goodbye Lakes Six month unchecked growth rate of Giant Salvinia beginning with ? acre The Lesson How You Can Help Educate teachers, students and parents to retain plants and animals from classroom aquariums, displays science experiments Volunteer at a local park, refuge or other wildlife area to help remove invasive species Prevent hitchhikers ~ Learn how to clean your shoes socks, fishing equipment, dogs, boats, cars, bikes and motorcycles Choose native plants for your garden and pond that are appropriate for your region. Ask your local nursery to start carrying more native plants. Resources Texas Parks Wildlife, www.tpwd.state.tx.us Texas Invasives, Protect Your Waters, Aquatic Plant Management Society: Understanding Invasive Aquatic Weeds Activity booklet and interactive web site, /activity.htm University of Florida: Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, / USDA National Invasive Species Information Center, / Science Fairs ~ reducing the risk of spreading invasives, /Documents/ISEF.pdf Texas Invasives Website Partnership with Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Features: Invasives 101 Eco-Alerts by region Report new sightings online Thank You! What is an invasive species? An invasive species is defined as a species that is non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem that Grows, reproduces and spreads rapidly Lacks natural predators and com


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