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VISION SERVICES Saint Paul Public Schools Program for the Blind/Visually Impaired Our Population Vision students are considered a “low incidence” population. St. Paul Public Schools Vision Program currently serves approximately 200 students in 15 school districts throughout the east metropolitan area, ages birth through 21. Service Model The itinerant service model permits the Vision Program to adjust staffing to accommodate changing vision needs within the districts. Resources can be pooled to meet the need for Braille, specialized equipment and assistive technology. Assistive technology devices can follow students across district lines to those districts served by St. Paul’s Vision Program. All districts benefit from the collection of skills brought to the team by the 14 licensed vision staff and the 4 additional support staff, including 2 full-time braillists. Itinerant services are designed to support students in the least restrictive environment. Vision Teachers do not have building assignments, but are assigned based on the enrollment sites of the students. Vision Teacher Responsibilities Vision Teachers provide both direct and indirect service specifically related to the student’s vision needs. Direct Service Direct service instruction is provided when appropriate in the “expanded core curriculum areas” (ECC) identified by the National Agenda for Blind and Visually Impaired Children and Youth. These instructional areas encompass but are not limited to: Braille reading and writing, abacus, slate and stylus, assistive technology, tactile discrimination skills, organizational skills, independent living, social skills and self-advocacy. These are generally provided within the individual classroom setting. Assistive technology Braille writing devices and notetakers Indirect Vision Program Services Indirect services are also provided to students, including assistance with the adaptation of curriculum materials, assisting student, staff and


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