人教修订版高中一年级下nit 14.ppt

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人教修订版高中一年级下nit 14

2. Almost every culture has some kind of harvest festival. Some – used to mean a person or thing, when you do not know or say exactly which (某个,某种) She was hunting for some book that she had lost. There must be some mistake. Some day he will get his scholarship. For some reason, they didn’t come. * 3. All across Africa,… get together for festivals around harvest time. 4. …, people celebrate a new harvest with days of dancing and offering fruit to their ancestors and gods. 5. The boats used are beautifully painted and decorated with flowers of all colours. 6. …,there is a similar festival in May. John and I have similar taste in sport. My computer is similar to Tom’s. A is similar to B. * 7. People arrange races, games and dances to give thanks to the rice gods. give thanks to sb. for sth. Please give my thanks to your father for his kind help. 8. People visit the graves of their ancestors to show their respect. Show respect/ love for … Show interest in … 9. When the visit to the graves is over, * 10. …, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar 11. From Thanksgiving in the West to the Mid-Autumn Festival in the East, the yearly festivals represent our love for family, friends and life. * Symbol, signal sign Symbol – sign,mark,object etc looked upon as representing sth.符号;象征 Blue is a symbol of peace. The Cross is the symbol of Christianity. Signal – 信号,暗号,警告 Traffic signals (交通信号) A red light is usually a signal of danger. Sign – 记号,符号 Mathematical signs; 表 “告示,牌示”,侧重用图画、文字表达的告示、图示;还可表“迹象、征兆” Dark clouds are usually a sign of rain. * Why are these festivals spreading around the world? Festival Where Why Who Christmas Europe, the US, also sometimes in China People like the story about Santa Claus; businesses like to make money by selling Christmas things Christians, mainly, but also people who simply enjoy the festival * Why are these festivals spreading around the world? Festival Where Why Who Spring Festival China, other Asian countri


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